Impacts of Covid-19
An invisible foe
lurks in every corner
within the air we breath
within the world we reside.
Days passed as centuries
of agony
of fear
and of human sufferings.
On the frontlines,
doctors and nurses
fought an endless battle
against this enemy, Coronavirus.
2020 an year of change,
an year of turbulence.
How many lives did it claim?
how many people did it impact?
Let us not forget those
who labored to save lives
who helped in one's darkest hour of need
who kept each other in safety.
In December
a door of new possibility opened,
with the proclamation
of an vaccine.
Let us not despair
for hope is in the air!
Let us rejoice
for this virus is vanquished!
Normalcy will return
as an flower in eternal bloom.
The Chip on the Shoulder
My inner confidence
of my sense of individualism will,
and always be a part of me.
Through hardships and strives.
As a chip on my shoulder -
with me it companioned
through darkness, through triumphs,
and through all of my ordeals.
With me, as the years passed -
it grew ever stronger.
Burgeoning like a flower in bloom,
attracting the bees of life.
Triumph, Doubt, and Isolation
A moment of triumph,
a moment of doubt,
and a feeling of isolation.
How the smile on my face
swelled, like an apple
ripe red after an harvest;
glistening with droplets of sunshine.
How the smile on my face
wavered then faltered,
like a leaf in flight -
fluttering up then down, left then right.
How the smile on my face
drooped like an arching parabola;
slowly ascending, slowly declining,
as if in a pilgrimage of solitude.
Triumph, doubt, isolation;
all enriched, all bequeathed, all endowed
an individual
with a sip of life.
How I Envy the Flying Creatures of the Sky
How I Envy the Flying Creatures of the Sky.
Flying carelessly, without worry or grief.
With their wings, oh their
beautiful, delicate wings!
Always flying in the air,
in a sky so fair!
How I envy the flying creatures of the sky.
Unbogged with the troubles of humanity.
Living their days happily -
though simple, in their own ways.
Always flying in the air,
in a sky so fair!
Oh, oh! How I envy them!
Being able to spread their wings;
flying unrestrained, ever carefree.
How I wish to be -
always flying in the air,
in a sky so fair!
Ascending to the Sky
Deep within a sequoia labyrinth of forest,
a spiral of cloud ascended
upwards the red regnant sky.
As if like an emperor
with imperious airs mount his throne.
Within the forests, besides the spiral,
lay a vast open lake.
Encompassing the entire shore;
like a mother embracing her children
tight with warmth.
Sparkling waves gleamed,
tide after tide.
How the water captured the sunlight -
within every single droplets.
Like tears of joy
glazing in a mother's eyes;
at the sight of her children
ascending to the sky.
With a humble pride mingling
with a tinge of sadness.