To my precious toes,
Please, I wish to preface, by apologizing profusely for the damage I have caused to you over the years. Those nights when I was a younger and I drank way too much and I scrapped you across the dance floor in clumsy haste. The one time when I decided to try a new psychotropic medication because I wasn't sleeping, I woke up, bordering on comatose, and rammed you accidentally into the coffee table, then you were broken. It's almost as if someone should have invented a protector for you. You will never be the same and I stare down at you with sadness in my heart when I realize you are crooked and broken, the same as I.
The Beauty of the Night
Well I am awake. The others deep in slumber. Even the fur babies are resting peacefully. I wake up at 11 p and there is sleep no more. This is the only time I can embrace my dreams. I can wish for what I want to and have no other opinions about that. No one can burst my balloon. They sleep with their pins underneath there pillows. Hail to the morning for it begins, in all its fresh and new beginnings. Problem is, I'll be asleep by noon.
I would seek out a man of the night and I would persuade him to give me that special bite. The bite that would transform me into a lady of the night. As it is, I hate the daylight. I cover my windows with dark shades and I start to freak as the sunlight emits through the windows. I will create a room that is totally dark and I will sit and write and slumber during the day. When the moon is full, I will romp and play in the backyard, feeding off of unworthy pedophiles, draining them of life.