The Fall
The Fall. In practically every religion, there is a narrative regarding a “Fall”, or “The Fall”. I never genuinely experienced the notion of that. Indeed though I am a Christian, it didn’t occur to me that “The Fall” signified the origin function of the complete scripture. Each pastor I associate with uses “The Fall” as a biblical reference to each infirmity. Awaking one morning, I subsequently conjectured why it remained so relevant. That one aurora was the wakeup omen of all my vulnerable beliefs. It completely originated while I woke up to a phone call. Annoyed, because it remained barely 4 a.m. & I wasn’t scheduled for my alarm ’till 7:30 a.m. I answered abruptly.“Is this Isabella Hunter?” Unenthusiastic, irritable, & exhausted I snarled: “Why are you calling me?” I ought to confess that I was dampened by his distant, penetrating voice. So I softened my voice, not wanting to arouse my mum. “Humankind possesses only 7 spans left ere I terminate it!” He frightened me! Oh, how he frightened me! His wretched call was similar to a transpiring shot with an arrow. Direct, punctured, & shocking! Abruptly, the peculiar man hung up, issuing me with dark, dejected silence...
Genre: Drama/Mystery
Age range: 16+
Word count: 202
Author name: Tatiana McCruel
Why project is a good fit: It grows deep into the idea of the Fall and explores religious tension and inquiry.
Target Audience: Teens/ Y.A.
Platform: N/A
Education: Middle school
Experience: Classes taken on writing
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Age: 13
When Humanity Falls...
The Fall. In practically every religion, there is a narrative regarding a "Fall", or "The Fall". I never genuinely experienced the notion of that. Indeed though I am a Christian, it didn't occur to me that "The Fall" signified the origin function of the complete scripture. Each pastor I associate with uses "The Fall" as a biblical reference to each infirmity. Awaking one morningtide, I subsequently conjectured why it remained so relevant. That one aurora was the wakeup omen of all my vulnerable dogmas. It completely originated while I woke up to a phone alert. Annoyed, because it remained barely 4 a.m. & I wasn't scheduled for my alarm 'till 7:30 a.m. I answered abruptly."Is this Isabella Hunter?" Unenthusiastic, irritable, & exhausted I snarled: "Why are you calling me?" I ought to confess that I was dampened by his distant, penetrating voice. So I softened my view, not wanting to arouse my mum. "Humankind possesses only 7 spans left ere I terminate it!" He frightened the holy spirit outward from me! His wretched call was similar to a transpiring shot with an arrow. Direct, disturbing, & shocking! Abruptly, the peculiar man hung up, issuing me with dark, dejected silence...
#spooky4you #Happyhalloween #Fictional #Whatwouldyoudo? #plottwists ;)
#Prose #Thankyou #Spreadtheword
When the world comes crashing down.
When the world comes crashing down, you & I will fail
Falling into the deepest of darkness.
Unable to control the smallest wound,
conjuring up an uncontrollable feeling.
None of which, will see coming,
not a soul dead or alive.
Except the one up & beyond,
in the heavenly skies.
Who is thy?
#hopeyoulike #biblicalapplication #jesuswantsyou #Christian&proud
Forms of Silence
Waking up.
Getting ready for school.
At the breakfast table.
Akward silence.
The car ride to school.
Akward silence.
At school.
Akward silence.
Walking into Homeroom.
Unspoken silence.
Leaving school.
Akward silence.
In the bathroom.
Akward silence.
Grabbing the rope, & tying it to something, anything.
Akward silence.
Heavy silence.
Inquiries facing thyself
Why need the steam be white?
Why need my intellect feel so inadequate?
Why do the pulsars gleam, but not pass?
Why, do I endure? To only withstand the disorder?
Who obtained me? For what tenacity?
Why... Do I subsist? For what faith?
Scrutinize me. What are my imperfections??
What was my intention? To be denominated a...
Who can I attend to, grasping these reflections in my head?
They consistently, signify I?
Popular Girls
Her smile was child-like and her laughter was unburdened and light. She drew people in and they orbited around her. Jane Goodall. The Angel on the outside, & the Devil on the inside. She was my number one enemy, my antagonist, my bully. The one that had bullied me since I was a newborn. That's right, my name is Janice Goodall. That antagonist I was talking about... That's my mother. Ever since I was a toddler, my memory consists of two things. Number one: Arguments. Lots & lots. Verbal, physical, physiological, financial, & even spiritual. Number two: Never getting along with my mother. She was the one that would always try to make me question myself. My body. As I stared in the mirror that morning, I could only think of what she would say to me now. Yes, that's correct. I am going to see her right now...
The Future
Technology. The one element that attained beyond our society, the perception that correlated everyone to everything; The impression that made my family worthless, destitute. The thing that presented it individually... Let's not conclude there. People have reached so far, only to make our lives more ineffectual. Visualize this: Domes traverse the atmosphere. No way to arrange out of your foundation city! No dispositions to see the Earth. I can't even read a light simplistic book, for dignity! The domes were installed down when I was barely two, my father was ambushed outward with the added disease-ridden monsters...
The thing that holds us together,
in every situation.
The one that can cause rifts, borders,
boundaries. The thing that holds respect,
but does not always show it.
That one catch, when you feel like falling.
The surprise in the darkness, & the dull on the surface.
We want to cherish it. It is in our blood to endeavor...
to survive. Love is not always provided,
but it is a reward we receive. Our one & only,
desperate craving is only quieted.
Should we defy the subject of love?
Is it our one & only chance for reconciliation?
Shall your heart be subsided, working
to keep you alive...
Can it be utilized for a more significant action?
Can thou heal a heart?