My Love
I will not give you the world. Instead, I will indulge you with the stars that separate priceless from the human qualities that continue to poison this earth. You will not be baptized in the river by man; the Milky Way can capture your spirit through a telescope enough to bring you to your knees. You try to find the decent hearts on the ground in front of you, but no mans word will hold your promises in the way gods hands hold the world. You can continue the scavenger hunt you have made your life to be, but you will seek to your death bed with empty hands. Step toward a mirror. Realize your eyes hold more galaxies than what they can even see in the sky. Your joints will bend like mans definition of what love is based on the moment. The hair on your head is more convincing than the strands of asteroid belts. Know that you have control to make your edges as sharp as meteors or as smooth as stars. Your voice contains power to move more than planets. Your mind goes father than your hands can reach. You see, I will not give you the world because you are the universe.
I will not give you the world. Instead, I will indulge you with the stars that separate priceless from the human qualities that continue to poison this earth. You will not be baptized in the river by man; the Milky Way can capture your spirit through a telescope enough to bring you to your knees. You try to find the decent hearts on the ground in front of you, but no mans word will hold promises in the way gods hands hold the world. You can continue the scavenger hunt you have made your life to be, but you will seek to your death bed with empty hands. Step toward a mirror. Realize your eyes hold more galaxies than what they can even see in the sky. Your joints will bend like mans definition of what love is based on their needs in the moment. The hair on your head is more convincing than the strands of asteroid belts. Know that you have control to make your edges as sharp as meteors or as smooth as stars. Your voice contains power that can move more than planets. Your mind goes father than your hands can reach. You see, I will not give you the world because you are the abyss.
I will not give you the world. Instead, the stars that are free of humanities sins belong to you alone. You will not be baptized in the river by man; the Milky Way can capture your heavenly spirit enough to bring you to your knees. You will try to find love, but no mans word will hold promises in the way gods hands hold the world. Realize your eyes hold more galaxies than you can see in the sky. Your voice has the power to move planets. You see, I cannot give you the world if you are the universe.