Wife, Mama, Teacher, Artist, Finder of Joy, Seeker of Hope, Fighter of Fear . . .
Explain why curses are more common than blessings these days, and why we--as a society--need the opposite. (Perhaps explaining what each is.) Blessings on all who attempt this! (And all who read this!)
Poetry or Prose. I don't care.
Ended August 20, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by ZiggyMama
Create a visual for the life-sucking daily grind of your job.
Ended March 31, 2017 • 2 Entries • Created by ZiggyMama in Poetry & Free Verse
From E's twin K: "Write something motivational for two girls turning into teenagers." She asks for two paragraphs at least.
Ended September 12, 2016 • 3 Entries • Created by ZiggyMama
This is my daughter's challenge for you. Try to describe "normal" in under 10 words. Good luck. My girl will be watching for your answers! :o)
Ended September 12, 2016 • 109 Entries • Created by ZiggyMama
Describe the soul-stirring feeling you get when you make music--instrumental or vocal.
Ended June 30, 2016 • 3 Entries • Created by ZiggyMama in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a poem between 10 and 75 words correctly using as many homophones (eg. there, their, and they're; soul and sole, hear and here) as you can. Extra brownie points for the ones people seem to misuse the most! And. . . . Go!
Ended June 14, 2016 • 7 Entries • Created by ZiggyMama
"I'm different Now." Ever look back on your life and see how your perspectives, life, interests and tastes have changed? Express what you've found, seen, or decided about your new perspective.
Ended May 12, 2016 • 5 Entries • Created by ZiggyMama in Poetry & Free Verse