Life goes on
The truth is, yes I could live without you.
The sun would still rise and the birds would still come out and sing in the morning.
The rain wouldn’t cease to fall and the wind would be a constant reminder that life goes on.
I would wake up each day and still make my coffee black.
I would still listen to the same sad songs as I drive to work down the same backroads.
But, I wouldn’t feel normal.
I would wake up feeling empty and even though I would still make my coffee black, it’s bitterness would linger on my tongue in ways it never did before.
The birds would still sing but their melodies wouldn’t sound so sweet or cheerful, instead they would croon over the times gone by.
And the rain would still fall, only this time, taking me with it.
And the wind?
Well, like I said, it’s a constant reminder that life goes on.
This year, loneliness befriended me in a new way,
She was always there like a shadow in my mind,
But this last year, she has become so much more,
We sit in mundane silence like any other day,
But, I find silence reassuring,
Drinking coffee on the porch in the pouring rain,
As she whispers my secrets into the wind,
She has a tenderness that’s alluring,
I embraced her presence and she taught me to ascend,
In the realm above the thought of being alone,
I’ll clean my house while she declutters my mind,
The art of loving myself turned her into a friend.