I slammed my head into the wall, desparate to get the voices out of my head. They were everywhere, in every room, in every corner. I could never escape. They echoed around my skull, pounding their words into the vein of my soul. Each voice convinced me that the world was unsafe, that there were spiders in the walls, cameras in every corner. Help me, please. Please. I slid down the wall and held my head in my hands, my body shaking with fear. Who was I? I cried out to the world, the voices pounding and throbbing inside my lost mind. They wrapped their terrifying arms around me and dragged me down into the ground, burrying me in sea of strangers. I left my body that night. I stared up at the darkness as the voices finally began fading away. For a beautiful second, my mind went clear and the world slowed around me. I closed my eyes, hearing the rhythmic thump-thump-thump of my lonely heart. There I was. Then, my body cracked open and I was gone.