It's been a while. Yet, I am still mentally distorted. I've let my pass define me. I've let my vulnerability come back and that was a mistake. My vulnerability is making me hurt and leading me further into depression. I've been secluding myself. I've been trying to become comfortable with solitude and I did. Solitude made me estranged from my peers. One day I'll be comfortable with explaining myself to some.
Thanks to the exceptional male in my life. He is building back my character that was diminished and wasn't criticized at all. Not one alive have never told me the worst about me and how the worst traits that I carry on backfires and infiltrate on my peers. He already taught me the meanings of love, that I didn't take interest in due to the agony that I developed from living. I thought I didn't have nothing to live for and there was nothing in this life for me, but he told me "don't die." And that is all I need to hear to start living.
The problem with us young adults is
that we haven't mastered the concept of being alone. Once we learn to be alone and love ourselves and enjoy time alone with ourselves, we would no longer be looking for it elsewhere. We are young, have fun, try new things, travel, if you happened to find someone then be happy. If you haven't found someone your time would come.
I thought I love him but I don't. Like I don't at all. Like at all at all. I just didn't know how to be alone. Even though, I am 18 years old, I know what love is, and that's no him. I probably do love him, but not in this lifetime. Why rush love? I have a whole lifetime to fall in love with someone.
He told me that he likes me. He told me that he wants me. He knows that I am bipolar. He knows that sometimes I can become a different person. But, despite all that he knows, he still label me "crazy". Yet he doesn't know, I am not "crazy" because I'm bipolar, I am "crazy" because I love him.