Untitled #4
I remember times where I wished I could have heard more of what was being said. Sometimes I made the mistake of nodding in compliance, without a second though. I had hurt the ones I loved. What am I supposed to do with this now? Am I supposed to feel to feel better knowing time has passed? Do I really feel any better about any of this?
All the times I spoke without the thought of consequence. Just like the words that escape my thoughts, I too have found something fleeting in you.
Untitled #2
I am supposed to worship men who would step on the backs of the bruised.
To gain their ill gotten power. A man goes to office not because he is a man trust worthy,
but because he will sacrifice self integrity for personal gain.
He will lie about his ability,
about his truth, just to further his reach.
That is why I am here and you are there.
We hold no ground because their boots snuff us out.