when I close my eyes…
it get easier to imagine him there—
holding my hand,
touching the creases in my skin,
filling the spaces between my fingers
and kissing my love.
may I never stop remembering
how his smile touched my skin,
planted seeds within
and watered my love for him.
he lives rent free
in the spaces
he left empty.
if we had met in december
To get away from the pouring rain, with leaking coats and squishy shoes, you two bolted inside laughing after tripping over the stairs.
You tiptoed at the door, rubbing your hands together for some heat as he rushed to turn the lights on. To keep you from freezing, he fetched you a towel, straight from the dryer.
“Towel?” As he extended his arm to you.
Your shuddery tremble could shake the water beads off the leaves. Still dripping over the kitchen floor, he offered to remove your sweater before offering to hug you warm. The fluffy towel smelled like ambers and lilies of the valley in a room already dispersing what seemed like cinnamon and vanilla. All the scents sounded too heavy, but they made you feel right at home.
You enjoyed the quiet hug for a while, that was until he breathed against your neck and buried his face in your hair. The tulip was opening and the urges slept on his lips — those beautiful, red lips. The sensations were explosive, melting into each other. You two had agreed to keep the urges to a minimum, but when your hearts found bliss, colliding souls with just one kiss as it poured outside, it was a promise you had to forget.
my mind isn't just a place
it's a safe house
well for me that is
as for people
it's often misunderstood
a place of so many questions
feels like a maze
seems like wonderland
not the good kind
where Alice finds herself
but where Alice is lost in time
time that doesn't really move
to me it's a piece of my soul
The dark twisted part
the part that constantly blurs my ability to believe
feel like "normal" people
eye don't see like normal people
i don't feel like normal people
what is normal anyway
at least it's a question I've been asking my whole life
eye know I'm not
At least because of the way "people" describe it
but what do people know
people don't even understand themselves
I don't either
Doesn't that make me "normal"
because although I don't share positive qualities
I share the negatives
negatives are still okay
the gift to see thru another soul
to understand a person's pain
it amplifies mine tho
gives me more to write about
at least try to right them out
I am not perfect
But "no one is"
it's what _they_ say
but I think those with crooked smiles and slightly different words to speak of are the most perfect of them all
why label a person's sanity because of the words they spit
I think the words you spit are far worse
For you not want to understand more than you know
So your ignorance and shallowness tries to degrade another
if it were to be up to me "insanity" wouldn't be a thing
wouldn't have meaning like we do other words like "weird" and "imperfect"
We kill people
like we aren't already dead on the inside
my self.
I look into mirrors
I search for things I don't even see in myself
I look into mirrors
And hope that I'm looking at my "self"
Who am I really
Do I exist even
What am I, maybe?
See I lost that power
My sense of knowing (what or who am I?)
I'm split in two like that crack
Or am I, that crack...
Am I that flaw in something so perfect
a world so "perfect"
A flaw that can't be fixed
A flaw so powerful to question one's "self"
A split in two (into) personalities
..I AM or..AM I?
a poet’s anthem.
let me bleed on this paper
let my pen move as reckless
as you have
tear stains on my cheeks
heart slowly cringing
I'm on my last straw
let's hope this pen and paper
redeems me
washes off this pain
washes off this anger
cleanses my mind
cleanses my soul
it's a haze up in there
stroking my pen furiously
across this blank paper
I can't stop
I can't stop
Please don't let me stop
this pen and paper has to save me
this paper has to understand my thoughts
this pen has to feel the wrath
of my hands
Oh God let this pen and paper save me
It's all I have left
as tender a age
i learned that
some hands
weren't made to love
scared of hands
that touched my body
more than it did my heart
“I love you’s” became frequencies
of ‘don't tells’
external bruises
became internal ones
body shivers at the sound
of your footsteps
late night
on the kitchen floor….
at a experimental age
i felt penetration
without love
i felt hands
without purpose
i felt hands
that never loved me
more than
I felt love
it was too early
i knew it was too early
there was blood
on a blade
on the floor
in my eyes
in my mind
with a few pills scattered
I wanted to go
I wanted to leave
I wanted to be free..
at the brink of a new age
I felt a soul growing
Inside me
A soul of innocence
A soul of love
it was the only good thing
that came off
pretend love
still scared to move forward
I lost you too
every august is the worst for me
because of
at a stage of feeling redemption
I watched a man
watch me say no
fight no
a man who's hand
I wanted to hold before
I could let touch me
but he watched me cry rivers
pinned under his strength
it burned
I begged…
At this age…
I feel everything all at once.