Words to occupy the space.
The world throws you nothing but choices.
Everyday you face many.
What you do is entirely up to you.
You can be guided by hope, will, and faith, but we all stumble.
We all make mistakes.
We have to move past them.
Move on and live on.
Live and learn in order to love another day.
Letting go.
She has always been in my thoughts. Since the day I met her she has been there. Not always around but always in my mind. She is the love of my life. She is my hopes and dreams. Some people wanna travel the world, get rich, get famous, whatever it is. The only thing I've ever wanted was to be with her. Even if it was for just a day. I wanted to be with her, truly be with her. No lying, no hiding, just out in the world with her by my side. Walking hand and hand. No worries, just us. No hiding our feelings, no running.
However, something I have had the unfortunate honor of learning is that some people have to sacrifice their own happiness so that others can keep theirs. Sadly I think it's my turn. I don't mind really, I've spent my whole life trying to keep the peace. As long as she's happy I can live on. Although it'll be a long and hard road ahead. My memories can keep me going. We all have to learn to let go sometime, right?
13 Reasons Why I am happy
1. I am loved
2. I can love
3. I have love
4. I don't have to have the perfect one, just the right one.
5. I am living my life the way I want to
6. I woke up
7. I have a job
8. I have food on the table
9. Whole family
10. I am satisfied with what I have
11. I don't do negative things on others.
12. I am blessed
13. Most importantly I have
a breath of fresh air and a warm Breeze
Not many hours left in the day but I want to see her. For years we've been holding back, far too long. As the minutes close in, I can't help but tremble. This is the day we finally open our hearts to one another. Will it be everything I hoped and dreamed it would? Or has my heart been playing tricks? As the rumble of my car dies and I step out I feel the air. Its so clean and clear. I walk with happiness like a cloud around me. As I walk to the clearing I see her. Everything cliche ever said is true. My heart skipped a beat, my knees were weak, and I lost my breath. As she walked to me, the trembles return but then as her lips meet mine, they're gone. The breeze comes through and all is right in my heart.