Samuel paused in front of the music store window. He had an internal yearning when he saw the young woman enter the store; although, he couldn't exactly extract from his memories what it was he yearned for. He watched as she drifted among the horns, strings, percussions and woodwinds. He tried to will her to pick up an instrument, any instrument, and play something. He urged under his breath until his kneecaps weakened and his neck tightened, unaccustomed as his old body was to standing still with such expectancy. Samuel drew in a long breath and decided to abandon his longing. His legs shook with the anticipation of moving on. Before he could step away, the young man behind the counter indicated with a nod, and the woman went to a piano bench and sat down. Tears rolled down Samuel's face as she put her fingers on the keys. Nothing less could express his feelings at that moment. His breath turned into a sigh when the fragmented tinkling hit his ears.