Words, words, and more words!
"Uh...", the croak of my voice barely producing a coherent sound. My mouth gaping open, devoid of any words. My eyes nervously roaming, meeting the judgemental eyes of everyone viewing the spectacle - me.
I fell victim to the beating of my heart - its uncontrollable state and growing power violently drums throughout my esophagus. No words, not even a single whisper could escape its wrath.
How do I speak?
I've always wondered how such an organ can overpower my entire being. How opening one's mouth could feel like an entrapment that I've always fallen victim to. Words, words, words. They seem to fill the air, but choke my fundamental way of being.
How do I overcome?
Here's the truth:
Don't be chained to the fear. Let your bold wings soar to travel through the up's and down's.
Your full potential is awaiting you, not fear.
Rhythm of My Pen
The obnoxious tremor of my vocal pen echoes blankly throughout my ears. My eyes woundered aimlessly from my vexatious pen to the dull abyss of my office surroundings.
This grey cubicle enclosed my very being, yet devoid of my vivid spirit. At the moment, my lifeless stare appeared unbreakable.
My vision was was too far sunken in this state of seemingly dark, hazy bliss. My senses only processing the click...click...click...
An array of colors speckled across my plane of vision. It was as if someone had shot a palate of ambiguous shades in every visible angle. But amidst it all, I could still hear the echoes - those rhythmic taps that seize to evade my consciousness. The echoing overlapped.
The color of my life. My purpose. What does it all mean? What is happening to me right now?
My current state was inexplicable - unawareness, freedom, imagination, excitment, a vibrant outlook.Which do I chose? Which do I sacrifice?
"Umm... Mr. Stevens. I have some documents that the boss wanted you to review", a female's monotonous voice muttered before the slapping of papers upon my desk dehypnotize me from entransed, yet indescribable fantasy.
(Sigh)Back to reality.