Is that?
I looked around, the bodies on the floor. I didn't know if they were alive or not. I lead them into this way, I was exhausted, frightened. I didn't want to lead, they asked me to. I try to convinced myself. I'M NOT THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM.
I felt the trembling in my body. I realised I wasn't in a good condition when I saw the blood shedding wound on my leg. So is this my end?
I glanced around again, I felt heavy hearted. "I'm sorry. Everything is my fault" If I wouldn't ask them to trust me, they'd be still alive.Tears started to fell, I stopped enduring the pain that trying to end up my life; letting the last hope for live far away from me.
Bosses I Have Known
- geeky, organized, direct/no-nonsense, laid back, temporary
- political, priveleged, judgemental, soft-spoken, untrustworthy
- generous, talktative, self-made, proud, selective of people, overly optimistic
- asshole.
- logical, methodical, efficient, thorough, no-nonsense, no drama, high standards, incredibly capable, cold but not unfeeling, experienced, totally underappreciated
- knowledgeable, down-to-earth, technologically challenged, hard working, non-confrontational, not great at actually managing people