Falling in love with taking care of the self.
Falling in love with letting go of the past fears,
of chasing away the needs for self-justification.
Today I am surrendering myself to joy, bliss and bountiful heavenly grace.
That voice, whoever you are,
keeping on beating the back of my head:
“How could you justify your existence?”
No, I don’t. I do not need to justify myself no more.
I am my own sovereign-being, and
divine source of co-creation.
Interwoven within my own tender, vulnerable womanhood and feminine mystery,
my very core being’s deeply embedded code,
seeding the very wisdom—source of life’s light and
webbing of a sacred body temple.
Through my own rhythmic breath and pulsating blood veins,
every single cell of my consciousness is threaded into this one unity,
unity with the core wound of Grandmother Gaia.
I am enough, I am sufficient and bountiful, I just AM.
There is no need for me to prove or justify to,
no one, no more.
I am a silver acorn dropped upon this earthly plane,
written within my cell DNA,
imprinted the very quintessence, and
secret of my own universe & galaxy.
From the very depth of the soul,
I am born with this incontestable knowingness and certainty, that:
No matter how many layers of shame or doubts;
No matter how many times such strong forces of
skepticism and caustic cynicism,
that are trying to snatch away
the very light of my soul-window...
Throbbing through my heart’s red webbing and fabrics of my very core being,
I will always find a four-leaves clove,
resonating and rippling out
sparkling rainbow prismatic light of the golden sun..
Always striving for the brighter side of life, and
keep on lifting my chin up high.
From the abysmal bottom of life’s swan-pit,
I can still rise and thrive,
I will always break open my own path, and weave it into
a tapestry of light, hope and love…
Love to myself, and license to love.