Challenge Ended
What can we do to scatter more kindness this year?
Stretch your imagination and share ideas to make our world a better place.
Ended January 22, 2021 • 3 Entries • Created by KarenKitchel
Purpose to think before speaking; listen first, judge later. (Or not at all.)
Cancel cancel culture. It’s toxic to our collective well-being. And there are better ways to deal with imperfect humans who make mistakes.
Bring back smiling at strangers. There’s so much fear and distrust festering under the masks, and it doesn’t help matters by treating every person on the street as a potential threat.
Remember we’re all in this together. One people; one planet. We rise and fall together.
A better world starts with a better you. Take care of your own issues before pinning blame on others.
A smile can light a thousand lives!
Well, I’ll correct that to ten. But if I smile at just 3 people in the day and they smile at 3 more, we’ve got 10 smiles just today.
Bowed down by the weight of the virus and all the attending woes, we might just need to remind ourselves to smile a little more.
And watch the world light up, slowly but definitely.