((not))one of those (crazy girls)
I’m not crazy.
i’m not--crazy
im n ot cRazy
i m
n t
c r A z zzz YY
but what’s that quote again?
i know i am crazy,
i am not crazy?
but i know im n o t crazy so what’s the solution now?
tell me how to
change your mind
because if you leave
that’ll be my ruin
tHat will be when i go c r a zy
that’s when ill call a hundred times,
a billion times,
a quadrillion times
and there’s no telling what i’ll do then
i dont think you want to know
because by then
ill just be one of those crazy girls (noiwontnoiwont)
tO hi m
a s posSibble)
Psychologist’s Report in the Case of the United States v John
On the evening of April 5, 2013, Summer John was admitted to Huntington Hospital, Pasadena. As well as being severely dehydrated, malnutritional and suffering from an extreme case of diaper rash, her fingernails were broken and two of her fingers on her right hand were broken. Being in a near-comatose condition, Summer was unresponsive to verbal stimulation and was unable to communicate effectively with staff.
The police officers who had attended to 14 Para Moore Street supplied the initial assessment of how Summer had come to be so mistreated.
Having responded to a 911 call from a Zac York, the officers found Summer locked in an upstairs closet. Upon questioning York, it was discovered that Summer had been an acquaintance of his cousin, Taylor Farro. York explained how Farro had ended their brief relationship six weeks earlier.
Included in Summer’s scant possessions were a greyhound ticket from L.A. to Pasadena, dated three weeks earlier, and a roughly made key. A later investigation, conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department, found in Summer’s home the rudimentary products of making homemade copies of keys. It was surmised that at some point during their short time together, Summer has surreptitiously made herself a copy of Farro’s door key.
In a follow-up statement with the Pasadena police, York revealed that Farro had ended his relationship with Summer when he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Farro claimed to have received many voicemail messages from Summer but, according to York, he did not know how to break his devastating news to her and so ignored her calls.
Four weeks ago, Farro was admitted to this same establishment but, unfortunately, passed away during surgery.
The forensic team who examined Farro’s home found evidence that Summer had let herself in to the home, wandered upstairs to the bedroom and opened the closet doors of her volition. It is assumed she had no reason to believe the door would shut tight behind her and could only be opened from the outside.
This office has contacted Summer’s psychiatrist in Los Angeles and has learned that, while being treated for minor mental health issues, Summer was a rational and calm individual. It is the opinion of this medical professional that spending several weeks trapped in her ex-boyfriend’s closet has tipped Summer’s mind over the edge and now she is one of those crazy girls.