Fidelity or Flirtation
Ravished by desire
Pinpricked by Temptation
As I forward tumble
Into the Deep of the Dilemma:
Fidelity to Right,
Flirtation with Wrong?
Mortality ringing true
As I'm searching for you
This is the oldest poem I have access to, it's from my senior year of high school. It was fun to read back through my old journals but I'm mostly struck by how dramatic I was, haha.
Tenuous-threaded Freak.
Tenuous-threaded Freak
(2001 I believe...I was 16?)
This music eerily mirrors my soul
The minor chords of its drugged up thought
Seem to linger in my ears as a mere reminder
I felt the wonderful sensation of dying
Though my terms of that are to a much greater degree
You took the typical replica once again and dropped me off in the garbage can
What I'd like to do to you is merely a pleasure that comes when the sin controls me and angers my soul
But right now I don't care if I throw out my morals
Damn you, come with me now
While I'm vainly aware of my real existence
Do with me what I've desired at first glance
I won't realize until the domination of my contradictory sin reveals itself after you've gone home
But alas, I am in the garbage can
Wanting something I cannot have
Hoping for a miraculously rational excuse, so I can one-night-stand with you
But you're with the replica
Tear the shirt off your superficial soul
No wait, then I'll have to do it too
And you'll realize what I am
French masterpieces of what I've seen you do throw me into sweet intoxication
You've squinted your view and made my blockade crumble
I am but a mere random-minded screw-up
The strands of what I resist as my own garden
Are prevented by the permanently locked gate
The locked gate of unwanted sin
Cremates who I want to be
Burns what I wanted to do to you
Morphs me into the forgotten Power Ranger
If I doubled it up I'd be even more messed up
But right now I don't even care
Bitter dissaffirmations of peccadilloes that swim
Schools of fish that cannot be identified
You've never even been near me
Which is good, especially good for you
I didn't want this to happen
It was a result of my own vulnerability to fear
Fear caused by that black lump of sixth grade coal
Fear caused by the dred-locked demon of the second grade
If I was smart I could grab this all in a matter of seconds
I am normal contravened by abnormality
I beg to differ on your assumptions
I have a hazy realm of righteousness somewhere
But it's dusty beyond repair and these realms have not only outnumbered it but have impugned it as well
It's been made irrelevant
So shoot me, send me to jail
Maybe I really WILL become insane
And that way when I'm released, I can find you and do all of what's sinfully normal to you
I smile in sly anticipation
You're alone
And I am crazy
What a perfect pair
My sarcasm is nothing but a cover up, sweetie
And I am normal when I'm crazy
Yet abnormal when I'm not
You're nothing but a burning desire
A desire I try to stone away
But in doing so I sin
It's all in the mind and body
The other doesn't connect with you well
Eek. Run away.
You know that when these impulses are over
All I'll do is cry...
Beg for His forgiveness of them all
For I am merely Christ's tolerance.