"Mommy... They are telling me that I'm dead."
Tears filled her eyes as she choked out the words stuck in her throat,
"You have cancer."
blood gurgled as her lips curled around her final words,
"I'm sorry."
her eyes widened as the final jolt of life shot through her, and I was left gasping for her exhale, for it felt that must be all the air left in this world.
"Wait… your parents are supposed to love you?"
The moment you close your eyes, in slumber, in prayer, in sorrow, I will be there, close enough to be your skin and yet, you will not see me.
Someone told me, "tell your parents goodbye because you may never see them again!"
The lights turned off and all I heard was a faint scream.
I'm watching you.
You can't notice it, but I am.
you said you knew everything, so tell me, why are the stars burning out?
I couldn't see much of your bedroom through your window, but I bet those 500 thread count sheets feel great!