To tell you this tale, I'll be quite bold: otherwise you'll hear it, but your mind won't be sold. This is the story perhaps of a great, great mind ; his vices a plenty, typically of chest and behind. Oh it is true many times it was asked," Which head are you thinking with?" As he rose to make crash. He spoketh as loudly as possible for his creation ,"Hear ye, hear ye, I make proclamation! I declareth my arousal, for all things fine and fair, allow me to make acquaintance with but my one eye's stare!" Ah yes, he was penis and he was a boisterous sort, flexing more often than not to show that he was a true sport. "I'm the true north, would you not agree? M'lady that's why they call me compass (Cum Pass) try me and see!" A filthy rascal he is chasing ideas of a physical property, it's the only way he can show love he doesn't wish to be obscene! He even sits on a throne, surely he's a king! He could summon forth an army if he heard his muse (s) or siren(s) sing. The epic tale aside he's generally a good fellow, he doesn't get out of line except if you mean by rehearsing lines of Othello. He means no one any harm, even though he plays rough, he's kind of an odd man out, as his thought process is but simple : rush! He might even think himself a sword that's been sheathed, so full of himself to get full on another these are the things he thinks! This has been but a playful banter ; a body parts dilemma, ready to pounce as a pants panther!