The Son Of Man Came Eating
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, 'Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' - a friend of tax collectors, by gum.
Glorious gory greed goes glumly grasping gratuitous gams, gaping ’gainst gruesome gallons' gainly garbage growing grams. Left lolling longing lavishness, lusting littered lives, ludicrous levels lag lasping, livers losing lecherous lies. Unctuous ungulates usher under umbrellas unconcerned, umbrage utters ugly, useless uvulas unaware. Torrid trembling tremors, tempting table tuck, tycoon tempered terror, tenebrous tedious trog.
---The greed machine keeps churning
---The gluttony of rot
---Devouring dregs of desperate more
---Too oblivious to stop.
Tabloids’ toady trash, torching tomorrow’s takedowns, thick treacly twiddlers, trenchant truncheons throbbing traumas, threaten trample ’tween torpid twats. Oafs obeying order, overwhelmed obligatory ought, obsessing over oral opportunity, obese obscene obliteration, oozing obsolete. Numbing nippers noodling nerves needing necrotic nooses, narcissists nattered noshed not nothing, ’nickers nearing nuts nap. Yes, you yank, yearning yourself, you yell, you yawn, you yield.
---The churning machine keeps greed
---The rot of gluttony
---Desperate dregs of devouring more
---To stop too obliviously.
The Son of Man came eating, into the conflated inflated penetration of self, I am the I am of all, the boundaries of my domain, swallowed whole into the frontiers of my girth, only that which resides inside… becomes my kingdom.
*A collaboration between NonZeroSpin & ABoswell*