Hey, Cockweasle
Dear Mr Trump
You are
You are a
You are a ridiculous
You are a ridiculous, bigoted
You are a ridiculous, bigoted, xenophobic
You are a ridiculous, bigoted, xenophobic human
You are a ridiculous, bigoted, xenophobic human. Please
You are a ridiculous, bigoted, xenophobic human. Please stop.
Dear Trump
Your childish antics may prove entertaining, but this country has a surplus of entertainment. Your immature defense mechanisms are reminiscent of my adventures in high school cheerleading. It confuses me, the attention you pull from Americans. Leaves me wondering if you are just some sideshow act meant to distract us.
I wanted to thank you for exposing the people who believe the foul flounderings that fall from your flambouyant mouth-- almost more laughably-terrifying than you are. As I have that thought the train switches rails to consider... what or who are you a misidrecting us from?
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