Back to Normal
Alarm goes off, it's early this Monday. Your craziness must come to an end.
It's time to return to the land of the living.
Responsibilities to which you must tend.
Makeup your face, curl your hair pretty,
It's time to get out of pajamas.
Disguise yourself as a regular woman.
Not a girl immobilized by trauma.
Normal people go to work, to the store, to the gym.
Everyday tasks without second thought.
They don't fight panic getting out of the car,
Or spend hours in the parking lot.
It's been months, enough time has passed.
You took a long break from sanity.
You painted the furniture and learned how to sew.
Now it's time to return to normality.
People will welcome you back with a smile,
While whispering behind your back.
Pretend you don't care, remain unaffected.
Don't give ammo for a future attack.
You're strong, you're brave, you've survived this long.
Use every trick that you know,
Your son needs a mom who knows how to live,
Ready or not.....