Alternate Ending
We don't talk anymore.
It's not because I didn't try,
It's not because you didn't care.
We don't talk
because it was too much.
The words stopped fitting,
became not enough.
We don't talk anymore
because we grew up and apart.
We found different places,
new experiences, a fresh start.
Let's be honest now.
We don't talk
because I loved you
We don't talk
because you have a girlfriend.
We don't talk
because you are noble.
We don't talk anymore.
Do You Miss Me?
We don't talk anymore....
We argue, full of malice and spite
Intentionally injuring with insults
The meanest things we can think of.
Who yells loudest -
Who gets meanest -
That's who wins.
We don't talk anymore....
We ignore everything important.
We'll talk about weather and work
But not what we're worried about
And not about our hopes and dreams
Not about what scares us
Certainly not what happened between us
That made us quit sharing those things.
We don't talk anymore....
We fight and we fuck and we coexist...
We're both here,
I'm terribly lonely. Are you?
I miss you.
We don't talk anymore.
I see you walk by my office every morning. Nothing.
Another late night comes. Again, you slip into my office. Our lips quickly meet. Your hand listens to my heart.
I am still haunted by our last conversation.
"I love you!"
"Then promise me..."
Her smile twisted in joy and I regret my carte blanche reply.
"Promise me that we will never speak again. I never want to hear those words reversed; this to end."
We love. We lust. But we do not talk anymore, and I find I miss your voice more each day.
Personal Choice
We don't talk anymore.
We used to all the time, chattering on about this or that.
But then you all came, and we faded into what we are.
We are the darkness that used to talk.
We are the shadows upon the sidewalk.
We follow you around because we think you are interesting.
But deep inside you've hurt us.
You, humans, and your blinding light have caused us to become shadows.
We don't talk anymore.
Because though there are many things to say, we think you need to find them out yourselves.
We don't talk anymore.
It's a personal choice.
We don't talk anymore
You used to be so
prevalent in my mind
We used to talk for hours
days at a time
Now you've left me
in silence
At first
it was exciting
No more did I have to hide
the little voice in my head
It seemed like the start
of a new, happy life.
But now months later
I miss my friend
The one that used to talk me up
to the ledge to see if I'd jump.
I haven't seen the bottom of a cliff
since you left
And I find
my heart never races anymore.