Peripheral Criminal
Grey in the backyard. I start the grind. Out there and east across the States, all the fucking labor jobs and factories burn for my pleasure. Shower turns on. I grind it for exactly 7 more seconds then flatten the grounds in the group. My dog walks in, gets his Crackbone, and runs off to eat it on the bed. Not on his own bed, never, but mine. I pour the almond milk in and switch the knob for steam. I need to shave, or I don't. I don't need to care, really. I steam the milk and build the foam, pour it in and top off the mug with a professional touch of foaming grace. I spent $666.00 on the machine at Macy's. Not to sound dippy, but the universe sends a message like that and I run with it. I walk out and set the coffee on the coaster. The shower turns off and I start my own cup. She walks out of the bathroom naked. I press in for the grind and watch her move peripherally -peripheral criminal- toward the table, "Is the red cup mine?"
"You're so sweet. Making me coffee."
"Not as sweet as your hot, little-" I press in to top off the group with grounds. She laughs and walks into the bedroom with her coffee. Long and lean. Tan lines just so. I watch her little ass move from side to side and I lock the group into place, press the double shot icon and watch the grey outside. Back at the table I go to Prose. while she dresses, read this Challenge title and think about all I could say, the unselfish things, but it occurs to me that this moment made the cut, along with many others I usually fail to admire: Sunlight on Elliot Bay, the eyes of my dog after he eats, the feeling of my steering wheel, morning sex with a lean brunette, strong coffee made by your own hand while sitting in your own leather chair, the typewriter on your desk waiting to be worked over with words. All of these things, and the many things they hold within them.
A Library
The happiest thing I can possibly imagine is me, living in a library. There would be all my favorite books there, and all my yet to come favorite books. I would read all day! And maybe all night, too. My library would be in the woods. I would be able to read with the trees. I would dive into my books like you, reader, would into a pool. Adventures would surround me constantly. But I would not only read; I would also have a Writing Corner where I wrote books. I would sell them, but I would also keep a copy too. My library would be very small; but then again, smaller is cozier. I would not be lonely because I would have friends come and stay with me. They could do what they wanted; hike in the woods or read/write with me. It would be wonderful! Just me, my friends, and my library.
The happiest thing I could possibly imagine would be the assurance that even after we die, all of my loved ones could reunite. That no matter what happens in this world, we would see each other in the next.
With this assurance leaving wouldn't be so hard. Exploring your life wouldn't be so scary. Taking risks, moving away, watching as the ones you love most get older with no way to stop it. Assurance would take away the pain of loss, and the fear of death. Assurance would liberate life to be lived at the utmost, and not as a race against the clock.
Self Knowledge
A world where everyone knows themselves. Where people embrace their essence dancing to their own tune. Where art is expressed in everything from sidewalks to skyscrapers. Where hugs are the greetings and laughter follows defeat. A space is created and we realize happiness is a choice. So we all chose it at once. Human beings join with the void.
Milk Tea and Me!
Milk tea! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Milk tea! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Hooray for Milk tea! Y(^_^)Y
No matter what time of day or night
I will drink it despite
The amount of sugar and caffeine
that will enter this human-being.
It's happiness in a cup with a really thick straw
Bigger than one in any drink you ever saw!
Don't even think! Just drink drink drink.... Wait for it.... Your milk tea!!!! (#^.^#)