Naked and nesting in soft womb
unclothed to ways of the world
nestled in heavenly comfort
hiding beneath light of insecurity
barefoot, trapped in silk underbelly
cleansing my wounds of yesterday
feeling hollowness sway in my cavity
fracturing thin pane of glass, cracking
opening wide the windows to my soul
climbing out of my dusky abyss
treading unshod in forgiving breeze.
Driving into work
turning to music to drown
away these voices that
are screaming
in my head
When I park,
I gather my voices and
take them with me
and put them
on my desk
to play with later
Later they come
out to play, target on
my heart to throw
their vicious words
till I've had enough
These voices are
my worst enemy
for they are my own,
my own voice I hear
asking relentlessly
"are you any good?"
Eyes well with tears
and sinking heart falls
deeper into the hole we
climb out of, my voices
and me, until we
find a higher ground
She hides
In the shadows cast,
by her defined eyebrows,
puckered lips,
angled nose,
she hides.
In the darkness,
in the crevasses of her collarbones
the hallows of her hips
the ruins between her ribs
she hides.
A living skeleton.
Bones wrapped in tissue paper,
that tears as she stretches.
Insecurity breeds ignorance,
so she hides.