The One
My Hero is the Hidden Hand
That brings Comfort without a Sound
...the family m'am laboring for pitance in Vietnam
who shows that "I worked hard," is misappropriated lang...
...the everyman that still gets out of bed on every day
knowing he'll never really "get ahead..."
...the mister working two shifts to pay that tuition for
the future independence of his sister...
...the grammy who gifts her native tongue
with persistance to her great great grand son...
...the nobody who in a room of one hundred and one
finds courage to stand for the rights of each and every one...
This free verse is for all of the Nameless Ones
Who know that our inner battle has not been won.
Alzheimer’s Victim
He’s fighting off an ocean of despair, though he has more right than any to be living there.
He rises with the morning sun, though everyone he loves is gone.
He built and empire up from scratch, but couldn’t save it when it crashed.
He found his love so late in life, but now he’ll leave behind a grieving wife.
I’ll always love you with all my heart.
You never stopped loving me, even as you lost your memories.
We miss you and will forever feel your absence.
Your legacy will live on.