Under Her Sea
I removed her glasses and gazed
at the cerulean beauty of her eyes.
There was so much promise and
sensuality there, that I dove
right into their welcoming depths.
I never again surfaced from
the filmy surface of her orbs,
washed by the overwhelming
peace and tranquility
beneath her ocean.
They thought they knew who she was.
A redheaded, hot-tempered nerd.
Listing off the answers to all the questions.
An embodiment of Google.
But they failed to see truth.
Beyond the textbooks, equations, A-pluses, and honor-roll certificates.
There was a being on the other side of those glasses.
A person.
Karline doesn’t waste her time...
See her mouth in arrogant downward line;
She's made-up her face, and tricked-out her mind.
She's standing in a moment she thinks she'll define.
She'll step outside the picture-plane to find she's crossed the line.
She'll hit the wall, with its decisional confine...
in the misconception of what was "mine."
Sasha’s Resolve
"Never again," Sasha thought. Never would she be placed among the others on the shelf, like a dusty trophy designating conquests.
She would now radiate like a solitary star, alone in her universe. Shining fiercely with vengeance upon all who leered from the shadows.
Resolve can be a devastating weapon.
That girl
She looks preppy, with her long hair and trendy outfits. She has a flock of boys trailing like love-sick puppies. She likes 'Girls' and other trendy shows. That's what she wants you to believe. She loves 'GoT', 'Star Wars' etc. She knows Valyrian and Sindarin. She's a secretly proud nerd.