The Deceitful Leader
What color is your special hell
That has been wrongly wrought
Upon this cursed earth?
What is this face of evil
That you have now revealed
To those who trusted you?
What color is your dark heart
That yearns to grip tightly
The souls of all humanity?
Between your yellow teeth
Seething now with steam
Your deceit pours forth
Many see through your vile lies
Though many have bought them outright
Wagering their souls for your lies
The day of reckoning is coming
For you the prince of hate
Though many more will first suffer
After you cull the herd of the weak and poor
Condemned to die the death of attrition
Because they have no voice of their own
All we can do is weep
For the humanity lost
Squeezed to death by your greedy grasp
Your treasonous hate machine grinds onward
Tearing apart the souls and lives
Of those you swore to protect
Perhaps your day of reckoning will arrive
But probably not soon enough
Before many more have died.
All I can say is in resignation
That you have succeeded in only this
Making America Hate Again
(c) BAM
My Name Was Sarah
I was reading the latest vocabulary list in French class when everything went dark
I didn't die right away
I heard more gunfire and the announcement that came too late for me
Active shooter on campus, this is not a drill
That's me
Fourth from the left
I'm wearing my softball uniform in that picture
I was the junior varsity captain of my team
I was sixteen
I was a girlfriend
I was a best friend
A daughter and a big sister
Now I am a statistic
A story on the evening news
I'll be forgotten about by most people
After a week or so
Thoughts and prayers
Future campaign promises
Nothing changes
Except the lives of my parents and little brother
I had a life
I had a future
I had dreams
Now I have a casket with pink roses on top
A Trending News Story No One Hears About
I was going to sleep. I locked my doors. I closed and locked my windows. I set the alarm. None of my precautions mattered.
The three of them entered my house by smashing my picture window and jumping in. They gave no warning. They each had pistols. If you tell me this was a robbery, I will only laugh.
Within ten seconds, they had taken conrol of my house.
Within five seconds, I had taken control of my shotgun.
Inside of twenty seconds, I regained control of my house.
I was prepared. I had superior fire power. I had formal training. I had the resolve to fight.
Thus, I gave the only statement to the police.
Where were the gun control advocates before the break in? Where are they now?
Before anyone advocates yet another law that criminals will not follow or the complete abolishment of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution without formally amending the US Constitution (a clearly stated process in the US Constitution) ask yourself,
Do I have the right to defend myself and my property?
Should I use deadly force on those using deadly force on me?
Am I required to run and hide when facing evil?
If so, will you be there to protect me?
How will you accomplish this?
And my favorite,
How often does my situation occur whereby a law abiding citizen uses a firearm to defend themelves and why is this not a trending news story every time it occurs?
If you wish to reply, please confine your reply to the questions and details from my post. Then I will be more than happy to listen.