I have tilled the Soil...
with push from outside
and resistance besides
sometimes hand in hand...
a cartography of the Self
I have turned in distress
page by page tracing
the compost of an
essence that drains
like tea into the veins 'n
sinews of Experience...
tributary of a brain
that bends and swerves
like all those proverbial
winding country roads...
and somewhere houses
a mind, a soul, a light
that Wisdom drives me
to seek out and find...
#OldWords #Challenge
* I almost went with the Bible... but instead pulled off of my book shelf a beautiful Harvard Classics Collector's Edition volume of words of Plato, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. I turned at random to page149, at the bottom found this, and ran with it:
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus: "The husbandman deals with land; physicians and trainers with the body; the wise man with his own mind."