Our lifeline
Everyone in the world is different. Some people are shy, some loud and obnoxious, some stuck-up, some confident, some rich, some poor, some kind, some mean, ect. However, there is one thing no-one can live without. This something that many people take for granted while other people suffer without . This thing is money.
Money is a must in life. Without money you have no food, no clothes, no education, no healthcare, no home. Without money, no-one can survive. However, some people seem to be ignorant to this sad fact. They forget that they are not the only people. They don't realize that the person whom they are depriving this money from, is being deprived from everything; a home, food, water; the ability to survive in this God-forsaken world. These ignorant people strip others of this precious money. There are many ways in which this could happen; one could blatantly be a thief, one could constantly ask for money from someone who can't give it but doesn't have the heart to say no, one could cause a disaster; pressuring the person to use what money they have for specific things etc. There are hundreds of ways that we, sometimes unintentionally, steal this precious lifeline from others.
We need to understand that our pride will not take us far. We need to acknowledge that sometimes we don't need to buy the expensive suit, the lavish decorations, the extra few cars and other such items. We need to understand that we have what we NEED and now it is time to help those who don't. We need to truly empathize and use the heart that was created within us to help others. Because no matter how high or low we are, we are all equally dependant on money.