"i'm protecting you, i promise.
what you're doing?
it's not good.
so throw away that wig already.
get rid of your makeup."
i smile at dad,
believing he was
just trying to protect me.
so i nod and throw it away.
it was eunoia,
to think he had my interest at heart.
he didn't want to think
that his 'boy' was a girl.
it was just my perception,
my ignorant bliss.
i was only 16, though,
so what would i know?
i trusted him alot;
why would he lie?
but i guess his reputation
was more important than my life.
F Is For Fuck
Fuck is a word I say alot, but I don’t mean to. This word is used the most from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday through Friday at my employer due to the high volume of idiots I’m urged to work alongside of. I didn’t chose this word because it’s my favorite word, I choose it because it’s the word I say the most throughout the day.
The dampness of the soil. The droplets of water on the grass. The rainbow in the sky. And if you’re lucky, sometimes you see a double rainbow. I believe that there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Just like I believe in the moon and the stars. And mermaids and garden fairies. And if you wish at 11:11, it will come true. But petrichor; the scent that lingers in the air after it rains.
How lovely is that?