brain power
doubt showers, i need a friend.
one who will be there in the end.
standing proud with stories untold.
wishing everything we touched was gold.
but i'm just left with loneliness.
cradle king of things unseen, quietness.
these branches have broken.
the tree no longer swings, unspoken.
cover me in streams of dreams
whisper it's not all what it seems.
gift the power of wings so free.
end this rapture of solitude captivity.
afterimage of alex trebek
alex, is it okay if I personify the buzzes of your buttons during jeopardy / into little honeybees? / I promise this fun fact will be fast / but alex, did you know that they recognize / our faces? cobbling our lips and nose to a whole / I swear that’s all I had to share / though I imagine they gather around you now, a whole hurricane / drinking you in, looping tooth and lash / what’s it called when you stare at a picture for so long / it imprints on your eyelids? / I know you know this illusion / I’ve seen it with that silhouette of jesus / forgive me / I’m not equating god and bees / I just don’t know the words / but I promise to learn / alex, what is grief / but an optical blur / not a question / but an answer