Dear StarSeed, Awaken.
“There were 9,000 different realities you can choose from,” the Spirit Guide declares as They display all 9,000 sets of parents in front of the young Soul.
“I am on a mission. In this life time, it is time for me to truly rise,” she bravely decides to ask “What parents do you think I should choose?”
A tear drips down from the cornea of Marcuseus’s eye. Marcuseus being her Spirit Guide.
His utter disbelief stop her from making a decision.
Soul realizes, from an all seeing perspective, the Power of Personal Choice that she must attain in this life time.
That being said, she chooses a set of parents with no Personal Power.
This way, she’ll have no choice but to make a choice, and her Power will only grow from there.
And no, we don’t mean dictatorship or tyranny, or ‘I’m better than you’
type of power; that power, after all, is quite destructive and low vibrational.
That power settles itself around the insecure ego, desperately seeking solidarity upon a pedistool of 100,000 feet above sea level.
The Power we speak of rests within the Authentic Soul’s ability to share their Authentic Passions and Purpose within the world, allowing the Sunshine of the Soul to leak into the cosmos and expand outwardly. This Power acts as a Light House for other Souls to step into their full blown Authentic Power. And when the whole world Lights Up, we all shall know peace.
All of us Humans, peices of stardust coming together in Human Form with a designated Soul reason to Shine Bright into this world. Casted Shadows of Ego played a huge role in dimmming the Light of the Stars. But here is the thing:
Our light is so Big, so Bold, that the darkness around can not help but to Illuminate.
So rise up, shine on. Find what makes you happy and go onwards. One step at a time, we find the thing that makes us glow and we go.
If this means taking a turn away from something else, a different path, perhaps a path more comfortable, more societally acceptable, but a whole lot less joyful- TURN AWAY.
Trust that when you leave behind the dull mundane and begin to Shine Your Light like the Awakening Stardust that you Are, only Miracles can happen from here.
Do we dare underestimate the Luminuos Light of Star in the night sky?
No, because the glorious star Illuminates the Darkness. The Lumionous Star shines through and breaks through all density and darkness around it.
As you look up at the Stars and see Love, Light, and Guidance, know that you are only seeing a pale reflection of the Vast amounts of Light that exist within your cells just waiting for You to make the Choice to activate them. May we illuminate the Empowered Path, welcoming others to see their own mirrored reflection of Light within us, we invite you to Activate your Own.
We Love You and We Thank You,
The Summer of the Soul
As the blazing sun rises in the summer sky,
My heart skips a beat
Energized, melts into your eyes,
As my heart plays hopscotch
Across the velvet of your palms
My eyes wander into the depths
The sea that is your heart's song.
I listen closely, hearing every word as it flows in and out
Along the ocean waves of your soft vibration.
I hear the light of your soul
Echo across the mountain tops
As I sing to you,
Curiously waiting for a kiss to meet my lips.
To taste your sweetness,
To rest against safe pillows that greet me ever so gently.
To dance across heaven's gates and rest neatly in your lap,
Like a little kitten and her cat.
I love you. I love you.
The words mean nothing, as my heart expands beyond verbal capacity.
Your soul exists within mine,
Physically apart, but together, we climb.
We travel upwards and onwards
Into our soul, we find solace.
We know not one of our friends
As a classmate, yet we wish for them to walk this path.
Leave it all behind. Leave everything you know in the past.
Let it all go.
And behold, the great future,
The Awakening that is You.
There is so much more out there, so much for the Soul to meet.
How can you expect to dance with the birdies,
If the pigeons of the past are constantly tugging at your feet?
Honor both
And choose your way.
The light of the soul
Begins to shine
New on this Bright Summer Day;
Thank you.
Alone or AllOne?
At home,
I sit on my couch
Binging everything I possibly can.
Netflix, social media, vegan snacks, anything.
Anything to fill the big gaping void in the midst of my chest
Screaming at me in a soft whisper
Saying “No one likes you!”
HA! Big great void, you lying ass hole!
The heart would never say such cruel things, although the fear based mind
Loves to project it’s conditioning onto the precious life that is the One.
Fear and Love, two sides of the same coin.
Give it a flip,
Cross over and dip
Your toes into the everpresent, always flowing
Infinitely Glowing, Waters Rowing
Through the fountain of the Soul.
Hear your heart
As she beats 100 times a minute
“I love you, I love you, I love you...”
You are never alone,
For the same heart that beats for you
Is the same heart that beats for me, too.
Connecting to the same Universal Mother that supports us,
Mother Earth connects to us through the umbilical chord of her nourishment
Always there, she cradles us in the loving arms of gravity.
We are never alone. These are lies we tell ourselves.
We have disconnected from our hearts, from the truth, from the One.
We are all drinking the same waters that flow through this Earth.
Human Beings, merely bacterias working together on the Cell that is this Planet.
So no, we are never alone.
We are all working together.
As the cells in my body die and new ones form, all working together in a
Divine Orchestra,
So too do Humans die,
Giving room for new ones to form.
The problem in the Human lineage is that
We have grown accustom to destruction.
Planet Earth is dying because of us, and it is time for us to take a turn.
Do we wish to be a cancer of this planet or a healing cell.
We have the power to choose...
Create our own realities with the power vested in me,
I now choose to believe
That this life is a blessing,
A miracle, indeed.
To live a life of love and light
I shall destroy all barriers
That keep me seperated in the night.
We must come together, rise up into the Light
And Shine, as One,
Showing the Earth that we are here for Her.
It is time now, together,
Lets rise.
Totally “Me...?”
Write something! Anything! Totally new! Totally you!
As I sit quietly, thinking loudly to myself...
Who the hell am I?
I wipe the pixie dust off my keyboard
And begin to type.
"Title...Okay let's see here..."
I ask my self what I should say.
Oh, I got it. This is perfect.
I'm going to repeat what they said,
And then share my thought process.
As I think now about this writing piece,
I lose myself in a stream of thoughts.
Is there any way I can type while lying down
That will alleviate the pain upon my shoulders?
And why exactly, does this pain,
The weight of the world,
Weigh so heavily
Upon the shoulders of a 19 year old girl
Just trying to get by?
Trying to get by, flying so high.
Hot air balloon leaving the facilities of Ayahuasca,
Mushrooms calling me to come and talk to her.
Mother Earth, that is.
Thinking, blinking.
Eyes so wide
As I watch the projected movie screen that is the reality I create
From the internal world within.
Each Human's reality, so different.
Each moment we experience, we are just meeting ourselves.
We only see from our perspective, two souls
One moment,
Being percieved differently by both.
Infinite worlds, 3, including me...
Where the hell am I?
Heaven? Perhaps...
If hell is the thinking mind, the worry bug that screeches too loud
Casting a shadow of noise over the beautiful chirping of a
Bees yelling at one another...
A bird...
Casting a shadow over the chirping of a bird.
A whole symphony, Divinely orchestrated,
For our ears to hear the cries
Of our ancestors,
Begging and pleading,
For us to open our eyes.
For us to see the dangers
Of our selfish actions taking sharp turns.
It is time now to open the curtain
Reveal the Truth,
Through old ways of being,
Holes, these words shall burn.
Bringing past muck into the futures gold.
As a lotus flower blooms in the midst of messy mud,
So too,
Shall we,
Grow wings and fly
Just a little bit Higher.
The Journey of Self Love; Coming Home
As I walk this path
Next to my Brothers and Sisters of Humanity
My mind loses self
And gets lost in the other.
As story lines play through
The mind plays games
Creating dramas in the brain
Trying to love another
Is not the same
When the self
Has no love
For it’s own.
To truly love another
As a sister or a brother
We must go within
And fill up our own cup
So that the love we have for the world
So too, touches up.
If we take our two drops
And drip them into another’s mouth,
We shall be left empty
None for another
Or for the self,
As a cup who is empty
Has surely run out.
We must be full,
For ourselves,
Then for others.
Fill up our own cup
A love so tangibly thick
That it pours out of our pores
Energetic veins leaking love into our auric field
And we don’t even have to try.
As we meet ourself,
Time and time again
With love and compassion
We meet the world around
With the same love that we all deserve.
To offer ourselves our own love
Is to offer ourselves to God.
Fill up your own cup, darling,
And see the everlasting flow of love
That seeps through your pores, Into the veins of society,
Your chest is a well for Infinite amounts of Love.
The Heart is a space within,
So shine that Love on yourself
And you shall always win.
The heart is sad when we turn against it’s powers.
We must honor the heart as we honor God,
Over the mind, our Heart has Power.
Love is the Force, The power,
It is True.
When religions talk about Heaven,
They speak solely of the Space between your boobs.