Happiness is something that's unique for everyone. I believe everyone has small moments in life where there's joy. Little moments where maybe you don't notice the happiness you feel, but it's there silently like the imaginary friend you had when you were a kid. The friend that was there as you colored in your room in the afternoon, windows open and sun shining in where you can feel the warmth.
Little moments, such as driving to your favorite city when you haven't been in what feels like forever. It's only been a week but it feels like years, because that's your home, where your soul belongs. Hearing the city noise, seeing the people going about their business as you sit back in a coffee shop and watch.
The smell of the shop, the pastries and coffee beans. You can smell cinnamon in the air, with a hint of a fruit for the tea. As you close your eyes, bring the cup to your nose. Breathe deep. Know in that moment, you are as free as you have ever been. You can hear the people at the counter ordering, the smile in the mothers voice as a child is laughing over something, the sounds of the machines.
Maybe it's your favorite color of the moment. Not overall favorite color, that never changes, but the color of the moment. It's the color you see and instantly feel calm, like a sunset. The oranges, purples, pinks, and blues. The artwork in the sky, the shapes of the clouds.
Perhaps, happiness isn't anything more than waking up early in the morning to the birds singing their songs. Happiness could be the sounds of a slight rain hitting your window as you're curled up in bed reading a good book.
Happiness, if you don't think about it too hard, is everywhere. It's out at dinner with a friend you haven't seen in a while, laughing so hard you cry. Remembering the best parts of a previous relationship. Writing about little moments that could make anyone smile. Hearing a stranger laugh in the distance, or little compliments from people you'll never see again that you think about for years. The moment you get your first tattoo, not believing it's finally happened, where everytime you look down, you smile knowing the meaning behind it.
Happiness. It's hearing your favorite song for the hundredth time (in a day), or a song you loved but haven't heard in a while. Seeing your favorite artist live, experiencing the crowds energy as the artist tells their truth on a stage.
Happiness isn't really anything more than small moments that you'll remember forever. Happiness is something that will forever be part of life, no matter how hard it may get. Happiness is, simply put, this moment. You are alive, and that, my friend, makes someone happy.