in this house we’ll build (an architect in love)
in this house we'll build,
we'll be awake and
in the kitchen at 2a.m.
because i wake you up to bake cookies
because im hungry again
and it takes you
a while to get up
but you get up and off the bed with no complain anyway.
just a gentle smile and a helpful hand,
ready to assist.
in this house we'll build,
as the oven preheats,
we'll put on a silly little love song
just to fill in the silence
but you'd have different ideas.
you'll offer your hand, asking for me
to dance with you
like prince charming from my favorte disney film, cinderella
that i watched way too many times as a child.
i'll roll my eyes at you
and your silly little ideas
but i'd place my hand in yours anyway.
the night will end with the smell of cookie dough
and of warmth and gentle backhugs in the kitchen.
in this house we'll build,
i'll wake up in the morning
only to hear the same song from last night
playing on our speakers softly in the living room
and i'll smile to myself
because there you are
in the kitchen
making breakfast for two
and maybe i'd think,
i still haven't gotten used to this but
i could get used to it.
in this house we'll build,
there will be no room left for
loud, explosive, noises of
cussing and yelling and anything remotely similar.
maybe every now and then
words uttered to one another could be laced with frustration
but never will they be enough to leave a mark
for only tender hands and hushed voices
are welcome in this house we've built.
we have come from twisted and broken places
that have hurt our souls too many times that
we once thought we could never be allowed this love
and yet together
here we are, in spite of it all:
we've built a house
we call home.