Hey. I've never had a boyfriend, so I guess I can't give you real advice. But I do know that you should not run away. Don't become a shell of yourself. Don't think the world has ended, because it hasn't. Don't become depressed.
Give yourself time for your heart to patch up. I'm not saying you'll be the same after it. But you'll be better. Better is, well, better. Drink some tea. Write out your feelings. Hang out with friends. Read a super good book.
Friends help a lot. If you claim you don't have "good" friends, try and make some. They are a shoulder to cry on, and are there for you.
Be positive. As I said before, the world has not ended.
There you are.
Advice from a girl who's never had a boyfriend.
Go to college to learn
surgery, neurology,
law, medicine,
finance, teaching, and so forth.
Technical arts, maybe.
Those who truly make it
or have made it
on any level
with writing prose
or fiction
or poems
or contemporary literature
will do it out of a mixture of stubbornness, compulsion, and fire.
Past an understanding of English, school was
an arduous nightmare for me.
Pulled from the system(s)
by sudden parental death,
school was a logical waste
for me at grade 11
employment eclipsed
because the streets were
even worse than
the classrooms
so I worked shit
a dropout with a dream
I read voraciously
and wrote like
a madman
and after two decades
of being out in the wind
or in cars or old vans
or in apartments
or rented rooms
or shit monthly
and weekly
hotels across the country
the hard work paid off
the hard work at home
after the job had eaten my
flesh for 10 hours
but the jobs fed
the pages
and right now the rain
falls in California
and the steak and eggs
are over-easy
and rare just like
I like them cooked
and even though I'm
in a diner on my
and not crazy
about this poem
I didn't write it
to be anti-education
or pro-anything
this poem
Why I am on Prose
For some people, they are on Prose. because they are escaping. From the real world, from bad times, or maybe even depression.
But I am on Prose. not because I am escaping, but I am entering. When I am writing, I enter the gates of imagination. Prose. has many paths of imagination that you can follow after you enter the gates, and I think that is why I love Prose. so much. The possibilities are endless, but you do not have to think it all up yourself; there are challenges to inspire you.
Thank you Prose.!
Keep on writing!
Wake up.
(At four in the morning.
And can't fall back to sleep).
Get out of bed.
Bonk your head.
Dizzily get up again.
Step on a Lego.
Try to go upstairs.
Halfway up, trip again and fall down.
Scowl more.
Finally make it up the stairs to find your work uniform wrinkled and teared to shreds on the floor.
Curse at your dog.
Put on some different clothes, hoping your boss will not mind.
Make coffee.
Realize you are out of cream.
Curse again.
Choke down the bitter coffee.
Spill some down the front of your shirt.
Want to change again, but will be late for work.
Go outside, and find it dumping buckets on you.
Get into car, all wet.
Realize you are out of gas.
You forgot to get gas yesterday.
Reach for your phone.
Find it dead.
Go back into house, soaking wet.
Look for charger.
No luck.
Curse for the third time.
Dog jumps on you.
Licks your face.
Gets dog hair all over you.
Now you smell of wet dog.
You decide to walk to work.
Thirty minutes later, you get there.
Boss yells at you.
Fires you.
You shout back, saying that it is unfair that after one day of being late you get laid off.
Boss sneers at you.
You walk home again.
Get there in another thirty minutes.
Find you left the door open.
Now the first part of your house is all wet.
You find the dog biting the mailman.
You go and grab the dog.
The mailman swears at you.
Says he'll sue you.
You find your mail in a puddle.
The letters are unreadable.
Now it's your turn to swear.
You put the dog inside.
Go back downstairs with a fresh mug of coffee.
Step on the same lego.
Try to kick it across the room.
Jam your toe in door instead.
Change clothes.
Get into bed.
Accidentally spill coffee.
Change clothes again.
Wet dog gets into bed with you.
Change clothes AGAIN.
Attempt to push dog off bed.
Dog gets you wet instead.
You don't have anymore clean clothes.
You fall asleep the rest of the day.
Hope that tomorrow will be better.
A mask divided
into quadrants
and halves
stories recorded
against heart beats
demonic skies
that echo the moon
eyes pierced by
smoking needles
Desire, dominance,
spreading across time
Set the clock back
and everything's fine
But the child with
icy veins
and a fiery mind
with glowing ambition
in the darkest night
that, wild mind
that visage of many climes,
furtively rising like a winter sun
sure to come
You can run
your speed checked against
the watch,
the moon,
the heart,
the waves..
But the kid prays
for her future days
While he rises
cold flesh kissed by sun rays
Four quadrants, a mask
two halves against black
Lucid Living
Serve up a salad of laughs.
Spray tomato sauce all over the build-a-bear man because he said so.
Run fast over a slippery surface and shout "purple cranes".
Spill coffee on your brand new pant legs and cheer with great joy. Pick up a stack of papers and make them into a house for a family of frogs.
Tickle a frat boy, jump over a bongo drum, listen to a Larry, overturn a lamp post for no other reason other than you feel like doing it and life is short, your last breathe could come at any moment and if it was not filled with fun than what was life lived for.