Sit on the carpeted floor of this apartment
Come sit and chat
Been some time
Baby hairs growing into teen hairs
Locks struggling to hold a curl
Perspiration wells up
Deepening those cracks, frown lines
Until the soil is so fine
Lovely lady
Needs a tailor to fix, to fix a sundress
Those pesky strings, clinging onto
Dreams of somewhere hot and cold
Sweating asphalt, slicked
Off road has its rocks and bumps, but
The clock moves behind
The backs of those afraid to exist
Earthquakes of mistakes leaving
Behind a child in rags, a doll
Gripping so tightly
Beaded eyes, glossed, awash in numb fear
Numbed in fear is a lot of numbing
To have fear as the default is a lot of running from the end that is no end
Pain, numbed, requires none
A doll
At the end of it all, there is nothing?
There must be
Something moves beneath the surface
A fish dances from a line
How Terrifying
It is like a dark shadow
crawling down his spine and inside his rib cage
and out
suddenly he finds that
he cannot breathe!
relief washes over him as his lungs expand with air
is it over, then?
is it gone?
he does not even comprehend its existence until, one day,
as he glances into the mirror and his eyes are illuminated, at last, to that thing protruding from his own self
he watches, horrified, as it manifests deeper and deeper into his flesh, up his neck
he can no longer see his face
the end.