unequal attraction
hello my name is
blush, grin
how are you
lean in
do you like
touch, brush
sorry no I
gulp, crush
maybe would you
shy away
actually I
can't stay
this was nice
step back
it was nice to meet
please let go
run, run
sorry no
no fun
hey! that's my
clench, kick
don't you dare
fight quick
help me please!
scream, yell
why me
don't tell
The Ball and The Wall
A happy ball of yellow
Pure and free
Untouched, unloved
and free
It rolls, it grows
No one knows
where this ball of sunshine
goes and goes
It bounds, it leaps
Caring nothing at all
It halts and looks up
a big blue wall
The ball backs away
The wall says to stay
Yes stay, stay
don't roll away
The ball rolls forth
Timid and shy
A center of red
fires inside
"I must go" says the ball
but the wall oh the wall
just won't let go of
the bright yellow ball
A sea of blue
Washes over the ball
It's lost please help
help please
"I'm drowning
I'm drowning
oh please let me go"
"I can't I'm sorry but no no no"
The wall of blue teases
Folds creases, and eases
And freezes as it pleases
the hearts of the unlucky
Yes, how sucky
The ball relaxes
and lets the blue in
It feels the warmth
of the deep blue sin
The ball feels happy
The ball feels safe
in the arms of a monster
Who turns the ball a waif
The ball starts to stutter
and it begins to wonder
if love is what it feels
for the wall it's under
"How silly of you.
You are yellow
I am Blue"
I can not, knot
any ties with you
Drops of sunshine
fall from the yellow ball
He has taken it
taken it all
Now the yellow ball
knows what it's like
What it's like to be felt
to be seen
Yet still not loved
blue bleeds and
the ball is
for evergreen