I may not seem like a superhero, but I do have an anomalous "power". Since I was a young child, I've found that I remember absolutely everything. Many call this an eidetic memory; I can go as far as my sentience spans and even re-experience moments in real time. I've been known to memorize passages and song lyrics after passing over them only one time. True eidetic memory is almost unheard of. That's why nobody knew what was in store for me.
It was stairs. Something as mundane as a damn flight of stairs. I was trying to carry a couch down from my apartment when I slipped. I was unconscious before I'd reached the bottom.
The doctor had told me that among my injuries, one of my ribs broke and perforated my lung, and I essentially drowned in my own blood. I was clinically dead for over two minutes. But It felt like a lifetime. It's all I can think about, every excruciating moment I spent on the other side. It was just pain and fear- no, that can't even describe what I felt. It was pure, undiluted terror in it's most primal form. The things I saw, the creatures. They whispered things to me, horrible things in vivid detail.
When people come back to life and say that they remember entering a bright light, don't listen to them. They're more fortunate than I. Their mind merely blocked out the trauma of what they learned- the future of earth.