Angelic Wonderings
I wonder if angels grow old and die?
And if they do then at their funeral do the other angels cry?
Another thing I’d really like to know
Is if they’re living up in heaven then after death where do they go?
I wonder if any angels are scared of flight.
And do any of the angels have trouble falling asleep at night?
Can the angels travel through space?
And if they can do they go to Saturn just to get away from this place?
I wonder if they’re sick of this whole Earth bit.
And I wonder if the angels ever wonder if we’re worth it?
Have they grown accustomed to wars or
I wonder if angels suffer from post traumatic stress disorder?
To the angels do we make any sense?
And do the angels know some demons who at one time were their friends?
Do the sunsets look as stunning from above?
And has there ever been a time an angel and demon fell in love?
I wonder if angels ever have fun.
And did the angels shake their heads when humans first produced a gun?
Would an angel die in a nuclear blast?
Will I ever know the answers to these questions that I’ve asked?
I wonder if there are questions that I’ve missed.
Oh yeah, sometimes I even wonder if angels actually exist.
#angels #demons #questions
What if No One Told the Ostrich
What if no one ever told the ostrich that she couldn't fly?
Would she spread her wings and take off in the bright blue African sky?
And what if no one told the lion that he didn't like to swim?
Would he still stand by the water's edge? Or would he dive right in?
And what if no one told the tree he had to stand in place?
Would he ever dare unearth his roots and travel far away?
If we never told those little kids they'd never leave the hood,
That basketball's the only way and son you're not that good?
And what if no one told little boys it was football over art?
That cooking wasn't manly and it's weak to share your heart.
When we see a young boy crying if we didn't point and snicker?
Would he be as quick to buy a gun, take aim, and pull the trigger?
What if no one ever taught me
Here’s how real men drink their coffee?
Would I still feel insecure to try a soy vanilla latte?
If we didn't tell the women beauty only looks one way?
Would teenage girls still starve themselves cuz they think they're overweight?
And if we never told them it was beauty over brains?
Would we have a cure for cancer instead of more mascara stains?
And what if Barack had listened when they told him "Learn your place."
"Only white men can be president. Boy don't you know your race?"
And what if no one told the children different should be hated?
What if we said diversity was to be celebrated?
Our world could look much different if we didn’t say this stuff.
If we said that being kind meant so much more than being tough.
If we didn’t step in line to just regurgitate the lie
There might come a day when we would finally see an ostrich fly.