Coloring Books
O, how I miss the days
when my only worries were
struggling to keep the pastel lines on the sidewalk straight.
Now the world wants to know
what will come of me,
what will be my fate?
I explore my mind,
but every time
I feel hopeless.
Searching for something I'm not sure exists.
My hopes, my dreams;
this is meaningless.
Searching for an
X on a map
that I don't posses.
They tell me to do,
they tell me to say,
they want me to be something;
Someone great.
How can I truly know who I am
when they rail me with orders I don't understand?
All of this growing up, all of this change;
Not for one second will I fail to miss
the simpler days.
I could just trace who I was on the asphalt,
Just a two dimensional figure.
An outline of a person was all that was expected of me.
Now I have to fill this mold with color.
Don't forget to stay in the lines.