A faded grasp
Eternal pledges fall,
as fast asleep sets in.
Sinking slows into the deep;
what a perishable, promising heap.
A quick sand mans dream,
coursing through gravity,
pulling at the black hole.
Our dreamy night sky has been taken in.
Backs are turned as the stars counter out.
Beside you,
in your arms,
Our reverie is over.
Simply away.
Holding the unkept,
and kept hoping it would stay.
Simply, away.
Enough taste for a lifetime;
a flavorful palate,
to squared.
What was new is now pale blue~
faded fools.
time to walk
~Jessi (image and poem)
facing up,
the way we like to.
that something new is happening.
"teach me something" she says
and his reply, "I don't know the summer
sky, I only know the winter's sky."
"well, then I'll stick around with you
(as the time will fly), so we can learn together" (as the days go by).
~Jessi (image and poem)
Lifetime, flickering
one lone perception
Arriving, invitation in hand.
tapping the glass table in tempo.
I hear it but I linger within~
Yet, it keeps my ear.
Over each night sky, it leaves a premonition.
Every other presage chimes in familiarity;
conducting with instruction to repeat,
"Da Capo"
I scratch at the neverending marks on my mind.
Thoughts of time- I amplify.
So vulnerable.
I seek my stance;
as I stumble
with feet dragging on an inkling,
I search for the red needle,
dipped in the direction to begin.
Unavailing riches~
I roll in, I roll in.
I look up...
I arrive at your eyes.
Another explanation.
You always leap in.
We talk here~
onto the far side of my mind.
There's this ticking time
Where's this relation upon your mind?
Who suffers in question to its silent sound?
You let time fasten you.
Hard on the hurry.
Always there.
I can hear a snare ....
While your eyelids grow heavy again,
I march with the band.
I'm too old to break free,
too young to let what is,
attain me.
I am enfolding in on what remains.
"Touch me, stay;
can your skin remain?"
(My eyes are now whispering, dependent on chance)
Night elapses in the air while you rest-
it never breaks.
I can hear the ticking,
like the truck driver signaling,
at the cleft of dawn.
As if the world is splitting out of its darkness.
Rain splashes as the tires head on....
Imagining a destination of my own....
Your stare wonders....
I try and turn the lights down
but it's day break.
~Jessi (image and poem)
A longing tree condemns.
A solitary tree stands quietly, on top of the Northern crest.
It stares out onto the frozen river.
It's rough bark protecting it from the crisp winter air.
Though conserved, the pitch pine needles still shiver,
as the Oak withstands the Summit.
Day dreams of faraway trees in torrid terrains flow through its branches ....
And just as they are whisked away,
an aroma of longing snaps back a bough ~
a cutting rejoinder into the mouth of the tree.
For the unattainable desires of a tree can kill a Mountain.
~Jessi (image and poem)
Odyssey de Diplo
Blessed eons ago
I bade my beloved Shaggi
And fly, did I
On the wings of adventure
Lifted by the power of
Smothered by the sweltering clime
That is Houston's humid
I have swum the oceans
Beyond the great
I have climbed the trees
Beyond the luscious
I flew close to the sun
Got burnt
And regrew Icarus'
The American Dream
I found not
But behold!
I surely
Most certainly
Did find. ..
And I'm Everything.
Quiet Nomore
Dear Little Leader,
You may be good for nothing
No wisdom found in you
You may be most unkind
And deplorably deficient
You cloak yourself in hypocrisy
Love of the neighbor is anathema
Claim the face of law and order
Grab the ladies by the unspeakables
Still we thank you:
for bigly
for yuuge
Never mind your ineptitude
And vendetta against intellect
Gratitude for the demise of decency
And the erosion of rights
We the People
Shall withdraw into quiet repose
As you witlessly wittle away
At the last bastion of reason
Do you remember when you were four years old,
When you didn't care about how your body looked.
When you didn't know how it should look.
You didn't care about what you ate or what you weighed.
You didn't even know what perfection was.
You were just purely you.
Who even told you what flaws were?
Who told you what was beautiful,
And what was not?
Who had the audacity to ruin your perfect self image.
And start a world of impossible standards.
Who created the demon inside of you?
The demon that has now taken over your life.
The one that made you care more about the number on the scale,
Or the blemish on your face,
Then your self worth.
The demon screaming inside of you,
Hammering in the message that you will never be loved,
Not unless you meet an impossible list of "perfection".
A list filled with thigh gaps, tiny waists, big eyes and perfect skin.
A list that will tear you apart.
The demon hollows out your insides,
Taking away any joy you had left in your body,
Until there is nothing.
Creating an abyss that will never be filled.
It makes it so all you can think about is everything you are not.
You'd rather starve than eat.
You would rather cut your arms,
Than look at yourself in a mirror.
The demon will not stop until you hate yourself.
Until you loathe your very existence,
And cry yourself to sleep.
It will keep on growing and growing,
until you fade away to nothingness.
You have to take away its power.
Look away from that magazine,
And step away from that scale.
Stop thinking about what your not,
And embrace who you are.
Stop caring about a space between your thighs,
Or a timepiece like figure.
And start caring about you.
Your body is your only home.
Stop treating it like its broken,
Or messy.
Stop trying to clean and fix your already perfect house.
The only one who can kill the demon
Is you.