What matters
What matters to us? Do we have any meaning to our lives, meaning to what we do .Do we have a purpose. These questions always lingered in my head. Time keeps moving forward as I sit still. I keep wondering what matters. Is it staying closed to the ones I love? or is it finding and persue what i love the most. What matters to me? why am I bothered by what will to others ?
Why are we supposed to be good, what is good in reality. our good might be evil for someone else. will it still be good? the distinguishing line between good and evil, who has drawn, was it us? if it was us, then it must be different for everyone. How do u justify good and evil then?....
I walked alone to the park this afternoon, like always. I was sitting to myself, thinking, listening to songs; she came near me, saw me smiling, and smiled back at me. I saw people passing us by, and I looked at her again as she sat beside me . she asked, looking into my eyes," what's wrong? why are you bleeding? ".
I would have broken down; just that second when I heard those words, all the pieces I held together would have fallen down.
I gathered myself and paused.
It was as if my time had started to move a little.
I looked at my hands, felt my heartbeat burst, and said," all I wanted was to love and to be looked at, just that. Was that too much to ask."
She hugged me and told me it's okay, and it's gonna be alright,
" you will heal and start feeling again, slowly. You will find shelter."
I broke down in tears, my heart was heavy, but it felt better.
Listening to songs and thinking, I opened my eyes, she wasn't there, and I was still smiling. I saw emotions pass me by as I walked alone.