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Signal and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Signal is committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your data. Signal can never – in any way – sell, rent or make a profit from your data. Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Signal is designed to never collect or store sensitive data. Both we (Signals developers) and third parties can never access your Signal messages calls and profile as they are always exchanged end-to-end encrypted. So all your messages and calls are always secured and private. View our updated Terms of Use & Privacy Policy .Can I see the data that the Signal service holds about me?
Signal messages, images, files and other content are exchanged end-to-end encrypted via our servers, but are only made readable locally on your own device and are only stored locally on your own device. Anyone can verify that Signal really works that way because the source code of the Signal app is publicly available. Because everything in Signal is encrypted end-to-end, Signal's servers never have access to readable data. We therefore have no information about you and there is therefore nothing to request. There are several community-developed open source tools that allow for parsing the locally stored Signal content. Android users can also move their locally-stored Signal data between devices Conversations and media > Create backup files ).How can I completely disable Signal and unsubscribe my phone number?
You can permanently unregister your number as someone using Signal by canceling your registration . You will still have to prove once that the telephone number is in your possession. What does Signal do with data about my contacts?
If you explicitly allow it, Signal can discover which of the contacts in your system contact list are available to receive calls or messages through Signal. Discovering which contacts are available is done in a way designed to ensure that your contact details are never readable by our servers. Information about your contacts is cryptographically hashed by your device before being transferred to the server. The server compares the hashes to determine if your contact's phone number is registered with Signal .What steps is Signal taking to comply with the GDPR?
Signal is specifically designed to protect user privacy and only processes the data absolutely necessary to enable messages and calls. This is an ongoing evolving process and we will be continuously updating the Signal Privacy Policy & Terms of Use along with the content of our support center. How can I contact your data protection liability officer?
You can contact our data protection officer.
What is the minimum age for someone to use Signal?
You must be at least 16 years old in the Netherlands to use Signal without parental consent. Anyone under the age of 16 may use Signal, but only with parental consent. In the United States of America, the minimum age to use Signal without parental consent is 13 years old. The minimum age to use our services without parental consent varies by country and is never lower than 13 years and nowhere higher than 16 years. What hasn't changed?
Signal's ongoing commitment to protecting your privacy using state-of-the-art security and end-to-end encryption will never change. Our goal has always been to develop open source privacy technologies that ensure freedom of expression and enable secure communications around the world.
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Consequences for business
The guidelines have regulatory burden effects for the business community. These can be broken down into administrative burdens and substantive compliance costs. Administrative burdens are the costs that the business community has to incur to comply with information obligations towards the government that arise from legislation and regulations. Substantive compliance costs consist of costs incurred by the business community to meet substantive obligations imposed by new legislation and regulations, such as for one-off investments and adjusting business operations. When there is a legal (information) obligation to third parties, which is directly aimed at achieving a substantive goal, there is a substantive obligation. The costs involved in complying with this obligation are then included in the substantive compliance costs.
The guidelines do not entail any administrative burden, because there are no statutory information obligations vis-à-vis the government. However, (information) obligations are introduced that apply to citizens. That is why the bill does lead to substantive compliance costs. The substantive compliance costs are described below for each directive.
5.1.1 Selling Goods Directive
In its Impact Assessment, the European Commission provides a calculation of the costs that companies would have to incur once to adjust their business operations if there were full harmonization (the so-called 'implementation costs'). The Commission estimates these costs at an average of € 6,800 per company. However, the Sales of Goods Directive does not assume full harmonization, which means that the adjustment costs will be lower than the amount originally estimated by the European Commission. The adaptation costs for companies consist of, among other things, adapting websites, updating the general terms and conditions and developing new (versions of) information documents. The latter may include posters and/or signs hanging in the shop, consumer agreements, vouchers and the like.
The main obligation under the Sales Goods Directive that leads to compliance costs is the obligation for sellers to provide updates (see section 3.2.1). Entrepreneurs will have to incur one-off costs for drawing up policies and procedures with regard to the update obligation. In addition, sellers must provide consumers with structural information about this obligation. In practice, the entrepreneur may make use of the exception clause to explicitly inform the consumer when purchasing a product that he cannot expect any updates. The consumer must give his explicit consent, the entrepreneur actually does not want to be bound by the update obligation. Both aspects lead to changes in business operations. In the first place, the documentation used must be adjusted once as the occasion arises. Furthermore, registering the explicit consent will lead to additional administration for the entrepreneur, which entails compliance costs. It is not possible to estimate these costs (expressed in euros) because there is no data available on the number (in bandwidth of) active traders in the Netherlands in goods with digital elements, digital content and digital services. Both aspects lead to changes in business operations. In the first place, the documentation used must be adjusted once as the occasion arises. Furthermore, registering the explicit consent will lead to additional administration for the entrepreneur, which entails compliance costs. It is not possible to estimate these costs (expressed in euros) because there is no data available on the number (in bandwidth of) active traders in the Netherlands in goods with digital elements, digital content and digital services. Both aspects lead to changes in business operations. In the first place, the documentation used must be adjusted once as the occasion arises. Furthermore, registering the explicit consent will lead to additional administration for the entrepreneur, which entails compliance costs. It is not possible to estimate these costs (expressed in euros) because there is no data available on the number (in bandwidth of) active traders in the Netherlands in goods with digital elements, digital content and digital services. Furthermore, registering the explicit consent will lead to additional administration for the entrepreneur, which entails compliance costs. It is not possible to estimate these costs (expressed in euros) because there is no data available on the number (in bandwidth of) active traders in the Netherlands in goods with digital elements, digital content and digital services. Furthermore, registering the explicit consent will lead to additional administration for the entrepreneur, which entails compliance costs. It is not possible to estimate these costs (expressed in euros) because there is no data available on the number (in bandwidth of) active traders in the Netherlands in goods with digital elements, digital content and digital services.
Right To Be Forgotten
GGD Zeeland is responsible for the content of this website. We do everything we can to keep it up to date and to provide the correct information. Do you come across something that is incorrect or outdated? Then we would like to hear from you. Mail the web editors to communicate.
General information about GDPR, read for Focus
Personal data
We believe it is important to handle privacy-sensitive data with care. We only use personal data for the purpose for which it was obtained. The GGD is a government organization with different tasks that has to comply with different laws. This means that we need and may ask for different personal data for one task than for another. We therefore never collect data from you just like that, but only if there is a basis for it. You will find all the tasks of our GGD with objectives and underlying legislation .
Personal data that we process
GGD Zeeland processes your personal data if you use our services and/or because you provide this data to us. Think about:
· First and last name
· Address, zip code and place of residence
· Phone numbers)
· Email addresses
· Date of birth
· Name GP or specialist
GGD Zeeland also uses special and/or sensitive personal data, which we handle with extra care due to the risk of invasion of your privacy. This includes your citizen service number, information about your health or the health of your child.
For what purpose do we process your data?
GGD Zeeland processes personal data for the performance of government tasks with a legal basis. Sometimes the GGD task is literally in the law and sometimes we are commissioned by our13 municipalities Right to be forgotten case. We also use your contact details, for example, for: • Sending digital information letters and (E-) newsletters. • Sending text messages as a reminder for an appointment. • To be able to contact you.
GGD Zeeland does not use automated decision-making.
How long do we keep your data?
GGD Zeeland keeps your data for as long as the law obliges us. If this is not regulated by law, we will not use your data for longer than necessary for the purpose. This can therefore differ per task.
Do we share your data with third parties?
GGD Zeeland will only share your personal data with third parties if you have given permission for this and/or it is required by law. All employees of GGD Zeeland have a duty of confidentiality with regard to your personal data. The medical staff are bound by medical professional secrecy. We do not transfer personal data outside the European Union or to an international organization.