You forgot my name
Calling out women until you got it right
One of them was your old flame
But it would be wrong of me to bite
You forgot my birthday
And went out with your ex
Much to my dismay
Were seen kissing at the multiplex
You forgot all the things I said
Not once or twice, but three or four
Then you spent the evening in the shed
Because I locked the door
Then I forgot where I put the key
Honestly, I searched everywhere
In-between dinner and tea
But no longer had the time to spare
I forgot about you as days went by
I never went down there
Unnerved by the strange cry
It's not that I didn't care
I forgot about you in the shed
When the demolition began
I thought the screams were in my head
Burying you alive was never my plan
Three Bottles of Vodka Don’t Help
Three bottles of Vodka later, I keep spying the sprawled-out feet bearing lemonade-pink high-heels from every corner. Every turn, I might see where the shovel printed a triangle-tent dent across her skull and rosy lips. I run straight to avert corners, but she'll follow, her accusatory limbs outstretched to suffocate.
You, Smoking Volcano
Well, it’s a yearning.
It's warmth, all over, and a tingling sensation
Like menthol or cinnamon on your tongue.
You will feel like your molecules
Are smoldering and realize
There is magma deep inside of you.
It has been there since the dawn of time.
You will want to erupt.
Your skin will crackle with heat,
Sensitive to the touch.
But you must be patient:
Your time is coming.