Suddenly your mouth is not enough. And the moment that hits me, I become desperate. I yearn to eat you up. I yearn to destroy you. My left hand curls around your neck as my right reaches down your throat. My fingers close on beating, struggling mass. And as I pull your heart out past your teeth, my own grows all but insatiable. Yet still yours beats. Mouth watering, belly growling. My fingers, wet with blood, daintily drop the entirety into my gluttonous mouth. A rhythmic pulse crawling down my esophagus. And I know I’ve made a mistake as it scorches the fleshy pink of my throat. It hits my stomach with a dull throb. And as it lands it bursts into legion. A myriad of you crawling around the unsatisfied pit of me. And the nausea hits all at once. It is infinite. I can feel them growing inside of me. I can feel their wings. They tickle my stomach lining, whispering your name. I tear my hands across my rib cage. Scratching and clawing. Longing to pull you from me. But the wings still flutter. A light and foreign ripple grazing my veins. I jam my fingers down my throat, still raw from your slow descent inside of me. Vomiting, the only relief I can imagine. And the sickly creatures rush out in a bloody torrent. Small and wet. Sticky crimson and bile ceasing their poisonous flight.
The Cage
It’s like a cage.
Separating her from happiness
And feeling.
All she can feel is pain
And sorrow.
Her cage, although solid and strong,
Is unseen.
Because she feels like no one cares to look
And if someone
Slips through the bars of her cage
She thinks that they care.
She trusts them.
And then they turn on her.
Take everything.
And leave her
Broken and alone
But it’s worse than before.
Because now she know what she’s missing.
And she can’t do anything about it.
Because her cage is back.
He took everything but the cage
And her life.
Since they didn’t take it,
She tries to.
But the cage holds.
And something always stops her from dying.
The memory of him stops her.
Every time.
And then another breaks through the cage.
But she doesn’t let them in.
Making excuses to keep them away.
But they stay.
Waiting outside her cage for the day that she lets them in.
She doesn’t say it,
But she’s afraid.
She lets them in.
But it’s not the same.
She still hide things.
They tell her everything about them
She hides herself.
They tell you everything will be fine.
She listens.
She tells them
She tell them about him.
They listen.
They tell you they don’t care.
They still love you.
She loves them too.
But she’s still afraid.
They help her
With her sadness.
She remembers what it’s like to feel.
She’s almost getting better.
But fear holds her back.
They help bring back
But then
Schools back.
And hell comes back.
They try to help her.
But he makes it harder.
She doesn’t love him.
Not anymore.
But it hurts still.
Her old scars are reopened.
And no matter how they try.
They can’t heal them.
Can’t fix what’s wrong with her.
After a while they stop.
She thinks they will
But they don’t.
They stop trying to fix her.
But they surprise her.
They accept her.
For what she is.
She feels again.
The school means nothing.
She has them.
And the acceptance fixes her.
Who knew that was the only thing she needed?
She just needed someone to accept her.