I had my chance
I had to work daily in office. I had no chance of writing poetry or literature in office.
I fell ill and the disease was diagnosed to be “Denghi”
I was put in ICU and I had to be on the bed without getting down from bed for 10 days.
I was feeling bored and I asked doctor,”Give me pen and paper. I would write quatrains for small children.”
Other doctor also heard and all others started laughing.
“You can take rest, after the disease is cured you can write whatever you want”
“After disease is cured, I have to go to office. There I can’t write. These 10 days chance I have got. God has given me this.”
“So you wish that diseases should attack you, so that you can keep away from office?”
Everybody laughed.
“Anyhow disease has come and I am utilizing chance,that is all. It doesn’t mean that I love diseases.”
Everybody laughed.
They gave pen and paper and I wrote up to the contentment for 10 days. Then I was kept in general ward for 5 days and I had my chance again for 5 more days.
I applied those to poem competitions and got a prize
Lying Mirrors
Lying Mirrors
I feel the darkness
creep behind me,
rattling chains
no footprints
but closing gates.
Prisoner trapped
in own soul,
skin shriveled
in ruined shrouds
blood seeping
Trembling hands
reaching out
in muted cries
cancerous moans
of dread.
Falling into
empty space,
broken and misplaced,
invisible figures blowing
frozen in wind of past.
Devil’s spawn dancing,
icy fingers grasping,
screaming minds
of ebony asylums
no release
Lying mirrors
reflecting graves
with two bodies
and maybe more
encased in ice.
Crawling toward
light, alone,
baleful howls
invisible wolves
infusing mind
Hate radiating
in the distance.
deceiving shadows
escaping to place
where death begins.
Dream Karma
This had been a difficult, disturbing year for me and I was exhausted as I fell back on my chair seeking the relief of a deep sleep, maybe even a permanent one. But as I tossed and turned on my chair, I opened my tormented eyes to see my past thumbing its nose at me from the chair across the room. I saw his demeaning face berating me, telling me I was worthless, his face contorted in a rage with veins bulging on his forehead.
“Can’t I even escape you in my nightmares?” I moaned in utter dismay.
Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was the master of my dreams. I could change my destiny by tweaking the circumstances, molding them to my needs and wants. I decided to get rid of the albatross that had been hanging on my neck for far too long. But I had so many fates to choose from. I decided that an unknown force would slice the artery in his neck and leave him suffering while he bled out. I laughed out loud, knowing that I would never have the courage to watch him die if I were awake.
The next morning, for the first time in many months, I awoke refreshed and feeling ready to face the future. I realized it had only been a dream but it forced me to realize that I needed to excise him, neatly, from my life forever. Getting up to start some coffee, I was horrified to see a large crimson stain on my chair. I hated knowing that I had to get rid of my brand new chair!
Today, I Fly
I weep for wind
and flight,
swooping on wings.
I lift my soul
circling the sun
in blink of an eye,
wrapping my feet in
hollow feathers.
Let me float over stars
and under the moon,
a fantasy of spinning,
hovering above
filmy clouds of light,
dancing in tangos
of silky breezes.
All life can be seen
when looking behind,
born to fly high
above tomorrow.
I’d stand there...
Ready to drop bombs!
I'd have practiced for DAYS all the things I would say, as finally I would have my chance to.
Reciting and memorizing every little fact to prove why we have wasted our time here, and to try to impact my peers with how naive they are, and encourage them to think like me.
To see THE truth,
the conspiracy of the education system implementing a repetitive method of memorization to keep our herd complacently controlled. I'd stress that we don't even know how to learn, or that you may need to relearn to listen and how we have yet to accomplish shit! A concept so simple, I'd give the verbal proof, to people, and I'm sure they will all just see it, exactly like i do!
My speech was going to be far more fun than the formal one they'd given me to read.
I'd have it perfect, every last word of it, even if it kills me.
Then they'll all see the lunacy that standardizes more than just our tests! I'm positive that any who don't know will surely want this,
the real information.
This day is the day,
this very day, our class graduation!
I'm going to change the world and can't wait for the ovation,
at my original observation of things, and how they are.
Not too far to the podium, trying not to run or seem conspicuous.
Sweat is beading down my forehead, and i am just so into this, that I know the truth is going to get it's day!
OH, that i get to be it's messenger, blessed it to convey!
I turn the Mic on and reverb squelched the pause in sound, and I say, softly,"H-Hi guys!", and a few hundred people blink their hope-filled eyes, bright with futures, and they turn to me their gaze!
My moments here..
.........Im a little dazed...
I sway, just a little.
Then I clear my throat,
out of pure necessity, and swallow the toad that is
in there chocking me, stopping me from waking the brain clones..
My lungs concede,
and it is all i can do to speak!
The words came then,
quite suddenly:
"Go Greyhounds! Woohoo! Class of '07 Foreva!",
and there it was; a roar from the crowd, so loud I could barely hear me thinking to myself..
'No going back now,
fuck it. No point, assholes.'.
Then I'd scatter off stage like a cockroach, but I'd know I did the right thing.
-The End-
The Moral: You can only change yourself, and when it is hope that you see, try not crushing it brutally, and tread lightly,
for the sake that others may never have more than that light to glow from.
Leave them the choice for the simple fact, that you dont know their story, and what the hope came from or potentially could mean.
There is honor in regard for such a personal thing.