“Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, thats why it’s called the Present.”
I enjoy this qoute because it reminds me that whatever happend yesterday doesn't need to be worried about, no one knows what tomorrow will be like, so you should just aprreciate the present your in and enjoy the little things in life.
The Rollercoaster of Life
If I had to tell a 6 year old a piece a life advice about life, I would say appreciate everything around you and enjoy it while you can. I say that even as a teenager because it seems the later in life you get the less fun stuff is and the more stressful things in life pop-up more. But what do I know, I am a 15 year old teenager that haven't gone through everything in life.
School, The Diverse Place
School has been interesting for my past few years of life. I am an 8th grader going into high school and I have met some interesting people. I have met some people that seem weird at first glance, but when you get to know them a little more you find out interesting things. I used to have a asian friend during about 4th - 7th grade that was so serious about his work, but once he gets that work done, he is just a standard chilled back child. From him I learned if you get stuff done early you don't have stress on you later.
Now when I say school is a "Diverse Place" I really mean it. Even my own friends are pretty diverse. Some are kids that seem to go to disneyland every other week, while others have boats, and some like me aren't spoiled with fancy stuff, but enjoy what we do have. Some people talk about how they went to the movies or went to the beach over the weekend, all I do over the weekend is staying home doing yardwork, taking care of the house, then relax look at little at social media and then just workout.
This last year of being a middle schooler has been great for me. I played some wonderful seasons of football and basketball and is training for high school football next year. With that I have been able to go in the weightroom with the high school guys and just workout and prepare for the next season of sports. Also school events happening, such as the 8th grade dance, that was just fun.
What I also enjoy about my school is that it is a school of character. We respect each other in many ways, we are respectful to teachers and admin, we are respectable to others even outside of school. I live a few towns away from my school, so when I come home and see how these other teenagers act, I am just glad that I went to a school of respect of character principles that are important for life. Yeah so, I have to wear a uniform to school, I don't care 1.) It's comfortable clothing, 2.) Not cheap, a set of uniforms for a week cost about a $200. Now thinking about it, it is proably cheaper having these uniforms then going to a school were I dress however I want. The $200 also includes dress clothes for assemblies and whatever shoes you buy.
I should wrap this up so, I personally believe that school is interesting and reaaly diverse. Classes are interesting going over various different subjects. Such as at my school we have engineering for half of the middle school year and biomed for the other half and vice versa. I know some people hate this subject but I really enjoy math. I enjoy it because what people don't realize is that you can use it in many different ways. Graphing is good for reading a map because not everywhere has cell service such as national parks or countries with not alot of coverage. Knowing volume formulas can help you find proper measurement for furniture to fit in a house/appartment properly. Anyways, Thanks for reading and hope he shared some of the same understanding about school.
The Poor Lad
Once upon a time, there was a 14 year old boy boy with no name. That boy went through hardships others would never expect. Being a boy with no name, he was also illiterate. When he was sick, he couldn't go to the docters because he has no records. The boy also can't get a hold of much food or water. The poor child doesn't have a home and is very cold and the only thing keeping him warm is thrown out rags at the back of a clothing warehouse. The boy wen through alot of hardships at a young age and yet, in spite of everything, he is the nicest boy ever. When we does get a hold of food, he shares it with other homeless people around him. He gets lost quite lost in the city but because of his kindness he makes new friends easily. As he moved around the city, as he showed kindness, people would give him smarts and showing him how to read and how to say stuff properly. With doing all of these struggles in life for about 10 more years, he ended up getting into a manager position at a 4.2 billion dollar company because of his charisma and his awarness to others.
The Mysterious Screech
One day, a young lad was traveling through town and decided to pay a vist to his pops. He found his dads grave and noticed that there was a claw mark on his grave. He then became upset because he and his mom worked so hard to get a nice gravestone for his father. He was crying for so long that the moon was high in the sky and the fog started to roll in. Then out of nowhere a loud screech coming from above. He looked around trying to see what it was, but the fog was to thick. The kid then feels talons wrap around his shoulders and he is lifted from the ground. The kid is so scared of heights that he passed out. He wakes up to see the Griffin standing in front of him staring him in the eyes with its peircing silver eyes. He looks around thd farmland he's in and sees flying snakes shooting venom at titanium targets and flying boars the size of a Volkswagon Bus. He sees a man off in the distance say, "Tony, bring the boy here." One of the Flying boars came and picked the boy up with it husk. Once the boy was safely on ground next to the man, the man said, "Welcome home my son!"