Write your favorite line or two from a song. Who can name the song first in comments?
Writs a story with you as the main character but set in a different time, either past or future.
The Robin
The IScreen crackled to life. I had been waiting days for this shit.
"This is Admiral Noriega, what is the status of your diplomatic mission?"
Fucking idiot. I wait six days to hear from him and all he has for me is a status check? Its not like there is a limit to the amount of data anymore. Our only limit is time. As Davinci said in his last journal before his death: "It is not the lack of willpower but the lack of time that stopped me. Farewell."
The Admiral could have sent me more intel about these creepy little backstabbers I'm forced to live with until a deal is made between Earth and them.
(To be continued)